Emir Sanusi at NBA Annual Conference, Says No Society Develops without Justice

Ahmad Sorondinki in Kano

The 16th Emir of Kano Alhaji Muhammadu Sanusi 11, has described justice as a fundamental cornerstone of any society, adding that, no society develops without justice.

Sanusi 11, who spoke at the NBA-SLP conference through his representative, Mahe Bashir Wali (the Walin Kano) told the participants that Kano has a long enviable history as a cultural and commercial nerve centre of the northern region.

He said: “No society can develop without justice, so the theme of this conference is significant because it is justice that paves way for peace, fairness progress and which are paramount in any society.”

The Emir challenged the NBA to make sure that, progress (reform) is made in the administration of justice in the country, in order to meet the demands of the society.

In his speech, the Kano State Governor, Abba Yusuf, lamented that, the administration of justice is being faced by significant challenges that tend to erode public trust and hinder the nation’s progress.

The governor, who was represented by the Secretary to the State General (SSG) Alhaji Baffa Bichi, described the justice system as the cornerstone of any functioning society.

“Yet, as we all know, the Nigerian administration of justice faces significant challenges. These challenges, which are in various forms, tend to erode public trust and hinder our nation’s progress.

“They create a system where the wheels of justice turn slowly, if at all, leaving many, feeling unheard and unseen.

“The state of Justice administration in Nigeria today is so pitiable that ordinary Nigerians are losing faith in the judiciary,” he added.

He noted further that, “We believe in the power of reform. We believe in building a justice system that is efficient, equitable, and accessible to all Nigerians.

“Some of the necessary measures to be taken to address these challenges include upholding the rule of law – the supremacy of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria must be upheld and respected by all.

“There is urgent need for all principal actors in advancing the rule of law, to integrate the peoples’ interest; reflecting their wishes and aspiration, protecting their rights, and improving their wellbeing into the entire process of our law-based government.” he stated.

The conference, had in attendance the President of National Industrial Court of Nigeria, Hon. Justice Benedict Bakwaph Kanyip, NBA President, Yakubu Maikyau, SAN, Chief Judge of Kano State, Justice Dije Aboki and other legal luminaries, was the first NBA’s annual conference for the entire Northern region.

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