Nasarawa, Aerthmetal, Boxmoor to Establish Uke Gold Company

Oluchi Chibuzor

In a landmark move poised to boost the local economy and Nigeria’s standing in the global mining sector, the Nasarawa State Government, Aerthmetal, and Boxmoor have formally signed a tripartite agreement to establish Uke Gold Company.

This strategic partnership aims to explore, develop, and produce gold mineral resources in the Uke community, promising substantial economic benefits and sustainable development.

Key government officials, business leaders including executives from Aerthmetal and Boxmoor, and representatives from the host community, attended the official signing ceremony, held in Lafia.

CEO of Aerthmetal, Dr. Mariam Yahaya-Shiru shared her thoughts on the momentous occasion saying, “We are deeply grateful to the Uke community for their warm welcome and unwavering support. This partnership is a testament to the strength and potential of collaboration. Together with Boxmoor and the Nasarawa State Government, we are committed to establishing Uke Gold Company as a model of excellence in the mining sector.”

Yahaya-Shiru further emphasized the broader implications of this venture, noting, “The establishment of Uke Gold Company is not just about mining; it is about positioning Nigeria as a formidable leader in the global mining industry. We aim to set new standards in sustainability, innovation, and community engagement, showcasing Nigeria’s capabilities on the world stage.”

Speaking, the Managing Director, Nasarawa Investment (NASIDA), Mr. Ibrahim Abdullahi stated that said, “this initiative aligns with the States strategy to participate in the mining sector, generate revenue and create jobs.”

The Uke Gold Company project is expected to bring numerous benefits to the region, including job creation, infrastructure development, and enhanced local business opportunities. The initiative also prioritises environmental sustainability and community involvement, ensuring that the growth is inclusive and responsible.

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