Advocating for Change, Resilience Among Naval Officers’ Wives through “The Women Called Wives”

Chiemelie Ezeobi 

To highlight the unique challenges faced by women married to Naval Officers and other military men, Agbaje Menunaya Ayah, a renowned actor, movie producer, and naval wife, recently produced a film “The Women Called Wives.”

According to Ayah, who also serves as the National PRO of the Naval Officers Wives Association (NOWA), the 
need to address societal issues, advocate for change and instill core values brought the vision of the film to light. 

Ayah spoke at the private viewing of the movie at EbonyLife Cinema in Lagos, where she hosted NOWA members led by NOWA National Vice President, Mrs. Zainab Akpan, who represented the NOWA National President, Mrs. Ijeoma Ogalla at the sidelines of the recently commemorated Nigerian Navy 68th anniversary. 

 She said: “The idea behind the movie is advocacy. We tried to use the movie to talk about core values that we want to impact in society and things that we think should be changed because, over time, there’s been an evolution. Some traditional practices have not changed. As a woman, I chose to speak about those things and, if possible, correct them.

 “The Women Called Wives delves into pressing issues such as hunger, starvation, unemployment, drug abuse, and the struggles within marriages and family units.

“ It sheds light on the peculiar challenges faced by military wives and offers guidance on coping, adapting, and improving family dynamics.”

  Ayah, who expressed confidence that the film would significantly impact women in the naval community, added that “we have taken steps to speak about some of the things we have considered as ills and documented them in a movie form to educate.

 “The movie, which will be aired on DSTV and shown to officers’ wives nationwide, aims to reorient thinking and promote resilience. When you see a movie over time, it begins to gradually affect the way you think. We will achieve the reorientation that we are working on”.

On how military wives cope in the absence of their husbands, Ayah said she prioritizes activities that build her family and mind, participating in training, events, and seminars designed to support naval officers’ wives. 

“It takes a strong breed to be married to a military man. We need to stay focused, strong, and supportive.  As part of their initiatives, the Naval Officers Wives Association hosts programs to impact both commissioned and non-commissioned officers’ wives, emphasizing strength, mental and physical well-being, and self-love.”

 Ayah also highlighted the importance of prayer for military wives. “Every woman, whether a military wife or not, should be prayerful. Without God, we will all be losing our minds. The uncertainty of our husbands’ safety is scary, and prayer is a stabilising factor.” 

 Her message to officers’ wives was clear: “Be strong, be prayerful, pray for your husbands day and night, stabilise your homes, and preserve your minds and those of your families. We will continue to sail in unity and unison.”

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