FG Eulogies Military on Maritime Safety

Blessing Ibunge in Port Harcourt

The federal government has commended the military for their extra commitment in ensuring the protection and safety of the maritime domain across the country.

This was as the government has assured that the zero piracy recorded in the maritime space so far will be sustained.
The ministers of Defence and Marine and Blue Economy, Director General of  Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), Security Chiefs, Senators, others made the commitment, during the 2024 graduation ceremony of the advance combat training programme for the maritime security unit of the Deep Blue Project, held at the 5 Battalion Nigerian Army, Elele, Rivers State.

In his remarks at the event, the Minister of Defence, Muhammed Abubakar, commended the security trainees for their role in maintaining the maritime integrity of the country and protecting national assets.
He noted that the event is not just a graduation ceremony but also a testament of hard work, dedication and commitment to securing the nation’s maritime domain

Abubakar said, “Maritime security is a collaborative effort requiring coordination and cooperation with various national and international agencies. You will be among the frontline defenders, working alongside the Nigerian Navy, maritime police and stakeholders to ensure a secured maritime domain.”
On his part, the Minister of Marine and Blue Economy, Adegboyega Oyetola, said the achievements in the protection of the waterways has contributed to the positive growth in the nation’s economy.

Oyetola said it is a significant milestone in the nation’s maritime domain, attributing the success to intervention of the Deep Blue Project.
The Deep Blue Project was created as a solution which enables to manage, control and protect the valuables resources of the country, as well as to control the entire maritime domain of the Nigerian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and prevent any illegal activities at the sea, inland waterways and enhance the enforcement capabilities of Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) to generate revenue.

According to Oyetola, “Since the full deployment of the deep blue project platform and asset in 2021, within the Nigerian continental shelf, maritime security has been significantly enhanced, the project has contributed immensely to the significant reduction in piracy and maritime threats, enhancing safety and security in the maritime space.”

In his address, the Director General of NIMASA, Dayo Mobereola, noted that Nigeria is no longer in the piracy hot list of the international community.

Mobereola said the Deep Blue Project is pivotal in strengthening national security and ensuring safety of Nigeria waterways, maintaining that the project was initiated by the federal government and championed by NIMASA.

The NIMASA Chief Executive Officer assured the graduands that President Bola Tinubu has demonstrated his unwavering support for maritime security.

He harped on the roles so far played by the minister’s of Defence and that of the Blue Economy, and requested for continued support to cover the larger continental shelf awarded Nigeria by the global body.

Chairman, Senate Committee on Maritime and Transportation, Senator Wasiu Eshinlokun, said the graduation ceremony marked the transformative milestone in the collective endeavours of Nigerians to secure the nation’s maritime domain.

He stressed that “the addition of these highly trained personnel to the Deep Blue Project is a testament of NIMASA’s unwavering commitment to creating a crime-free maritime environment for Nigeria and global maritime community.”

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