HACEY Partners AIICO to Launch “End Malaria Project” in Ogun

A non-profit organization HACEY Health Initiative in partnership with AIICO Insurance has kicked off its new “End Malaria Project” initiative in Magboro community in Ogun State, which is struggling with high malaria rates.

The project launched in collaboration with AIICO Insurance and the active participation of local community leaders, includes free distribution of long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets, improved access to malaria testing and treatment, education campaigns on prevention and control measures, and strengthening the capacity of community health workers.

Programme Team Lead, HACEY Health Initiative Bamidele Oyewumi, said: “Today we are having the world malaria outreach in support of AIICO Insurance at Magboro community to reach out to the rural communities.

“We aim to provide adequate quality information about malaria and how people can respond to it. We are providing them with free malaria testing to identify people who are living with malaria and positive and refer them to their nearest PHC because we want to imbibe the culture of going to the PHC to get tested.

“We have partnered with the Magboro PHC which will be our center for treatment for everyone who has tested positive we aim to test over 1,000 people today and provide over 1,000 households with free insecticide mosquito nets when we test them and they are not positive how do we now prevent it is providing them with long-lasting treated insecticide mosquito nets we encourage them and their family to sleep under these insecticide-treated net most especially the pregnant women and children on the five because these are the demography that malaria affects the most.’’

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