I Won’t Fail Edo, My Vision Very Clear, Ighodalo Declares 

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorship candidate in Edo State, Mr. Asue Ighodalo has promised not to fail residents of the state if elected. 

He spoke yesterday at Uromi, the administrative headquarters of Esan North East Local Government Area when a popular chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Alhaji Musa Isiwele,  a former Deputy Commissioner of Police and former National President of the Road Transport Employees Association (RTEAN), led over 3,000 others to join the ruling PDP. 

Ighodalo promised not to fail Edo people, assuring the teeming crowd that he has a clear vision of what to do to lift Edo State to a first world sub-national in the country.

“I want to promise all of you gathered here today that I will not fail nor let Edo State down. Our vision is clear, what we want to achieve is clear. Edo State is well blessed with human and natural resources. 

“The vision is to make Edo State a first world sub-national in Nigeria and a state that all of you would be proud of to. All your state and which our people in the Diaspora would eagerly want to come back home to. It is doable by the grace of God and the goodwill of our people,” he said. 

Party chieftains, including elder statesman, Chief Tom Ikimi; Edo PDP Chairman, Chief Anthony Aziegbemin; the Director General of the PDP State Campaign Council, Chief Matthew Iduoriyemkewen; Senator Odion Ugbesia and his brother Akhere Ugbesia; Deputy Speaker of the House, Hon Maria Edeko; Esan North East Local Government Executive Chairman, Dr Kelly Inedegbor; Esan South East Local Government Chairman, Hon Louis Imhandegbelo and popular cleric and brother of the PDP governorship candidate, Pastor Ituah Ighodalo witnessed the deflection. 

Isiwele pledged he and the followers will work hard, campaign and vote for Ighodalo come September 21. 

Prominent members of the PDP Legacy Group and the Anenihs declared Esan North East Local Government ‘locked down for PDP’. 

The Chief Imam of Uromi recounted how John Yakubu supported the Muslim community in the town and thanked Governor Godwin Obaseki for the support they continued to receive from him, saying they would thank him by encouraging their people to vote for PDP and Ighodalo.

Chants of  “It’s all over, It’s all over” filled the air as supporters considered the coming election a forgone conclusion.

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