Naiho: Building Capacity, Career Trajectory Sets to Inspire Youths

Henry Naiho, a seasoned professional with over 26 years of experience in the IT, Telecommunications, Quality, and Operations Management industry, is inspiring youths to pursue a career in this field.

In a statement, he disclosed that his remarkable journey, marked by innovative solutions and a passion for technology and process improvement, serves as a beacon of hope for young professionals seeking guidance.

Naiho’s academic background in Physics, complemented by postgraduate studies in Programme Management, Strategic Management, and vendor-specific certifications, has equipped him with the expertise to provide cutting-edge solutions to clients across various sectors.

His entrepreneurial spirit, driven by a desire to provide solutions to human needs, has led him to represent top brands like Ericsson, Huawei, Motorola, and Microsoft.

Through his brand, Naiho offers a range of services, including business processes, human capital development, business research, technology harnessing, and corporate sustainability solutions.

He has continuously updated his skills to ensure his brand remains relevant, meeting client needs for best satisfaction and experience.

Naiho’s achievements are a testament to his dedication and expertise. He has implemented numerous solutions using technology to streamline business processes, improve efficiencies, and effectiveness.

He attributes his success to his ability to be resilient, flexible, and adaptable, qualities he believes are essential for thriving in the industry.

He said, “As a Fibre optical engineer, I have published research papers on Fibre optics resilient and solution. I have also obtained 5G certifications, demonstrating my commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest technologies.”

He added that his expertise in process improvements, operations management, and technology has made him a sought-after professional in his field.

Naiho’s advice to youths seeking a career in this field is straightforward: “Pursue your passion, invest in continuous learning, and seek ways for continuous improvements.

The industry offers opportunities for growth and development, and with dedication and hard work, you can build a successful career like mine.” He stated.

As a role model, Naiho’s career trajectory serves as a inspiration to youths, demonstrating that with hard work and determination, they can achieve their goals and build a successful career in the IT, Telecommunications, Quality, and Operations Management industry.

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