Cleric Tasks FG On System That Will Address Nigerians Challenges

Federal government has been urged to come up with a workable system that will takes care, meet the needs and aspirations of every Nigerians.

The planter of Christ Apostolic Church, Boanerges Worldwide, Prophet Adegboyega Ologbonyo who gave the advice said such could achieved through a truly people of Nigeria constitution.

Ologbonyo stated this while addressing newsmen at the close of the church 15th anniversary celebration thanksgiving service with the theme: “Inexplicable God” held in Orun Ekiti, Ise/Orun LGA, Ekiti State.

The renowned cleric also called for cutting of the cost of governance and slashing of the jumbo pay to politicians and the proceeds be used to address the new minimum wage issue.

He, however, told the workers to be reasonable and realistic in their demands.

His words: “Nigerian government still has a lot of work to do and the major thing they could do, is to change the constitution and everything will change.

“Our system is not working and Nigeria is a diverse country.with different types of ethnic groups . And in such a society, if there is no system that will work for those diverse people, things will not work. The developed countries, function on a good system that will control everybody.

“The best thing President Bola Tinubu should do is to lobby and find a way of bringing the national assembly members on board and other stakeholders together to develop a system that will work for us.

“This one that we inherited from our colonial master and the military cannot work. We are using more or lass a decree it is only the title that is being changed . Majority of Nigerians didn’t make any input when the 1999 constitution is being put together.

‘So, anything built on lies will not last .it is like the foundation of this country is built on lies and it can’t last. I have been in this world for over four decades and when prices goes up in this country, it will never come down. The scenario has been repeating itself over the years . We always experience strike action by the workers, fuel price hike, food inflation. Looking at our country, to be sincere no good roads, no pipe borne water except borehole, no power and these are the things that bring development. So until we have a system that work, thing may not change .

“Power should be decentralized so that every state generate their own power or give it to company to run for them , that is the way such is managed abroad . If there power, Nigerian youth are not lazy, they can do a lot with it because they are creative.

“The fuel price hike is happening because everyone depend on it with the power (electricity) not being supplied adequately.

“We need a new system in Nigeria and we should not split but remain one united Nigeria. We should come together to form a system but whichever part of the country not ready for this should be allowed to go, because you cannot kill yourself in a marriage that is not working. I have been to 35 out of the 36 states of Nigeria, if you get to some part of the country, you will think they are not part of Nigeria.

“Some people are taking to crime because of the larger than life kind of life some of our leaders ate living. They too want to enjoy life.Crimes will be reduce to the barest minimum if we change our system.

“If the system takes care of everybody and nobody is above the law, if anyone commit any crime , he should be dealt with. Let the law that deal with poor man also deal with the rich and everything will be fine” .

The CAC Essien Regional Superintendent Ogun/Benin Republic, Pastor Isaac Olu Eyebiokin described Ologbonyo as a responsible gentleman of God who is always ready to obey the will of God .

He advised the people to obey and do the will of God because He is Our creator we are not here for ourselves through our faith in Jesus Christ.

. A member of Ade Ologbonyo foundation, Mrs Oyinade Samuel-Eluwole said “there is something about the church and the man of God. It used to be lost hope foundation.

Samuel-Eluwole who is the founder, Elizabethan Humanitarian Life H&H
Foundation said the cleric started when he didn’t have anything and was taking good care of the widow.

“As we speak, I am part of the foundation and the foundation has over 600 widows , widowers and other vulnerable persons that it is taking care of. I am here to celebrate with Boanerges on its 15th anniversary. We have attended to the widows, children through the foundation”.

Rev. (Mrs) Ibukun Odusote of Foursquare Gospel Church, Asokoro Abuja while speaking about prophet Ologbonyo said
he is a man God with abundant grace upon his life.

“We have been coming here for the past 6 years and what we have seen is that , is from glory to glory and we are seeing development in the lives of men .

“The most interesting attraction for us is that it’s hidden in a village , a place you will think nothing good can come out from”.

Speaking further on the cost of governance, the man of God said, “I have always been saying this, though I am speaking for myself as a citizen of this country not for CAC. In my own opinion, I have said government should cut the cost governance first. What goes to the politicians in terms of remuneration and other benefits should be cut down.

“I see no reason why a person who served as governor just for four years or more and collecting pension and gratuity. Ditto to the deputy governor, speaker of the house of assembly. I am of the opinion that the huge amount of money they are collecting should be reduced. If someone emerged as a senator and at the end of the month is going home with millions of naira. Those civil servants are seeing it.

“Some of the senators were former governors of their state and they are still collecting pension and gratuity as a retired governor and still taking as a senator. It is cheating, we should be fair to ourselves. These costs should be cut and should be added to the earnings of the civil servants. Let ration it, even if it is not up to the amount they are demanding at least they will know that they have been given something. Most of the state in the country depend on the civil servants to survive, they don’t have any resources. It like, you get the salary and you share to the market women and other traders and that what we go round the state within one month. You can imagine the hardship and pains those set up people will be going tbrouy because prices of goods and services are skyrocketing and are expensive now.

“I believe the government should cut the cost of governance and add the amount generated to the civil servants pay. Civil servants should realistic and reasonable in their demand by considering the state and local government that can’t pay as much as what the federal government is offering. They know everything, what comes in and what goes out. They should adjust so that the country’s economy will not be crippled”.

The man of God who stressed the need for the issue of widows not to be taken with a levity hands said, ‘Apart from giving them material things, majority of them are broken hearted and the need counsellor. A lot of them, what their late husbands left for them has been taken away from them by the family.

“We need people to advocate, like Ade Ologbonyo foundation advocating for giving widows and orphans succour, by giving them the opportunity to live good life. When people loose their love ones at a tender age, it is a terrible situation. The widow or widower will have to live alone catering for the children. So, we need to encourage them and warn the families against maltreating them and taking their properties from them.

He called on the government to develop a policy that will take care of the widows and orphans and give them a life.

‘They shouldn’t be seeing themselves as a citizen of third world or as non-members of the society. That they have lost their parents or spouses does not mean they are not human being. Some of them could not go to school again since the time their parents died. In some of the foreign countries, government have series policies and programme for these categories of people, but in this part of the world, the reverse is the case . The vulnerable persons are finding things easy”.

Ologbonyo who explained that God has been faithful since the beginning of the church 15 years ago said it was not without challenge or challenges but we return all the glory back to the all mighty God.

“I see challenges as stepping stones to the next level and opportunity to learn more. So far so good, to God be the glory”.

On the achievement of the church over the years, he said, “I want to believe that our most important achievement is that we lead people back to God.

“We have a target and the target set in the beginning was to win 52; million souls to God’s kingdom. By our statistic to the glory of God, we are yet to meet us with the 52 million but within space of 15:years, we have gone above a million souls won. We have the statistics of the number of souls God has used this ministry to win into His kingdom.

“The most important achievement recorded is the fact that God is bringing back His people to Himself.

“Secondly, we have been able to impact on the lives of so many vulnerable persons including widows, orphans and the less privileged.

“We have empowered thousands of widows and orphans. As we speak, we have over 49 students that we are sponsoring from primary to the university level .

“I believe that government alone cannot do it, we need to support government as entrepreneur alleviate poverty in our society and to contribute our own quota to the development of our society.

“We have a school with about 40 staff who are on our payroll. Younger generation are being impacted through this school.

“We also have a hospital called, Boanerges medical center established in 2018. Boanerges pilgrimage board which takes care of people traveling to Jerusalem.

“God has also helped us to plan our church in across board . In Abuja, Lagos, Ado Ekiti, Ikere Ekiti, Akure, UK, USA, Canada and so on right from this place.

“People can call these achievement, but to me they are not achieve but I believe is a way of impacting our society but the greatest achievement is to bring people back to God”.

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