Senator Ngwu: A First-timer Breaking Records, Mastering the Ropes

Udora Orizu writes that the minority whip of the senate, Sen. Osita Ngwu, as a first time legislator, really knows his onions and strives to make a difference 

Bernadette Devlin, a former UK Parliament member, once said, “My purpose is not to be a politician but to achieve results.” This resonates with Senator Osita Ngwu, who represents Enugu West Senatorial District. Despite being a first-timer in the nation’s apex legislature, he has achieved remarkable feats.

Senator Ngwu’s background is impressive. He spent two decades in the oil and gas industry, rising from trainee engineer to Executive Director. His desire to serve led him to politics. In 2018, he contested for a House of Representatives seat but stepped down for the incumbent. He later became a key player in the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in Enugu state. In 2023, Ngwu won the Enugu West Senatorial District election with a landslide victory, replacing Senator Ike Ekweremadu, who voluntarily retired after 20 years of meritorious service.

Though one of the youngest in the Senate, Senator Ngwu’s humility and integrity have endeared him to colleagues. Within weeks, he was appointed Chairman of the Senate Committee on Solid Minerals and Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Drugs and Narcotics. He later emerged as the Minority Whip of the Senate, a position typically held by more experienced lawmakers.

As a lawmaker, Senator Ngwu has moved a motion to halt further privatization of mining assets, expressing concern about the sector’s low contribution to the GDP despite abundant resources. 

Moving the motion, he noted that after several decades of policy incoherence and weak institutional dis-alignment, the economic potential of the sector to the gross domestic product, GDP of the economy has remained dismally low.

Ngwu said the Senate is aware that the Bureau of Public Enterprises, BPE has been selling and is on the verge of concluding the privatisation and commercialization of all public funded facilities relating to the Nigerian mining  and mineral  sector, in spite of the fact that none of its privatisation programs have shown any concise beneficial impact to the mining industry as it had severally pronounced.

The lawmaker expressed concern that despite the abundant mineral endowment of the country, their critical national importance and huge resources so far expended by government, the contribution of the mineral sector to job creation,  infrastructure development and the GDP of the economy remains one of the lowest across the African sub-Saharan region.

Also during a visit to the Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr. Cui Jian Chun, Ngwu urged global investors to take advantage of the extant favourable regulations governing the Nigerian solid minerals sector and invest in the sector for economic growth.

According to the lawmaker, mining investors enjoy Nigeria’s friendly investment climate backed by legislations that safeguard local and foreign direct investments.

He described Nigeria as an investment destination with several opportunities in the solid minerals sector, adding that the opportunities highlight the potential for collaboration and economic growth between Nigeria and China.

Discussing specific investment opportunities that both countries can leverage upon, Senator Ngwu encouraged investors to invest in Mining Exploration and Development, saying that China expressed interest in investing in the exploration and development of Nigeria’s solid mineral resources. 

He has also sponsored a bill to establish the Health Infrastructure Development Agency, aiming to improve healthcare access and quality nationwide.

Leading the debate on its general principles, he explained that the bill seeks to promotes development and improvement of healthcare infrastructure so as to enhance healthcare access, quality, and delivery across the country. 

He further explained that it seeks to strengthen the healthcare system by focusing on the modernization of healthcare facilities by leveraging public-private partnerships for sustainable infrastructure development.

The lawmaker added that the Bill is a bold attempt at not only reversing the medical tourism of Nigerians to other countries, but also seeks to make Nigeria a medical destination hub within the shortest possible time.

Additionally, the lawmaker has facilitated empowerment programs, scholarships, and job creation for his constituents.

Senator Ngwu’s dedication to his constituents and the nation is unwavering. He continues to build on the successes of his predecessor, Senator Ike Ekweremadu, while laying a solid foundation for a prosperous future. His ability to work across party lines and his commitment to the well-being of Nigerians make him a shining example of effective leadership.

In a nation where political experience is often prioritised over potential, Senator Ngwu’s achievements serve as a testament to the power of determination and hard work. As Nigeria continues to navigate the complexities of governance, leaders like Senator Ngwu are a beacon of hope for a brighter future. His legacy is a reminder that with courage, integrity, and a willingness to serve, anything is possible. Let us continue to support and encourage leaders like Senator Ngwu, who are dedicated to building a better Nigeria for all.

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