
·         What’s the idea abandoning a sovereign country, your homestead and country of birth, and migrating to a foreign clime where the creed is just the exact opposite of your own? You think you’d change the ways of your hosts so they see the “beauty” of your faith steeped in fiery gore and tribulation? A man who runs away from his home and wouldn’t make effort to secure and improve this clime cannot be taken seriously. Today, natives over there at Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey, Bosnia, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, the list is long indeed, think they must abandon home and go live in the Christian West. They tout “multiculturalism” to confound and confuse the ficklest Westerners. But they are digging down for eventual civil war and takeover. The world of tomorrow (2050 to 2120) will be one of great strife à la what Hamas experimented at Israel.


·         Sunday Adole Jonah,

·         Department of Physics, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger State



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