Dr. Jane Kimemia Inspires Women to Break Barriers at SheCan Nigeria Conference


Mary Nnah

The SheCan Nigeria initiative recently concluded its fifth annual conference, themed “SheCan Do More 5.0,” featuring inspiring stories from influential women who have overcome humble beginnings to achieve greatness.

One of the speakers at the event was Dr. Jane Kimemia, CEO of Optiva Capital Partners, the lead sponsor of the conference.
In a stirring speech at the SheCan Nigeria initiative, Dr. Kimemia urged women to embrace self-worth, motivation, and service to achieve their full potential. Kimemia’s inspiring story, from humble beginnings to influential leadership, resonated with the packed audience.

Dr. Kimemia is a trailblazing Pan African businesswoman with a remarkable track record spanning over 27 years in the financial services sector. Prior to her role at Optiva Capital Partners, she served as Executive Director and Head of Wealth Management at Standard Chartered Bank.

Her contribution to the industry has been widely recognised through prestigious awards and accolades, including being named one of the 50 Most Inspiring Women in 2024 by BusinessDay Newspapers.

Kimemia who shared her journey, highlighting the challenges she faced and the lessons she learned along the way, emphasised the importance of self-worth, motivation, and service in achieving success. 

“You must have self-worth and believe in yourselves. You must believe in your ability to excel and get to the destination that you have set for yourselves”,  she stressed.

She also highlighted the critical role of education in empowering women and promoting gender equality.

“Education is the key to unlocking opportunities for women, creating a ripple effect that positively impacts families, communities, and society”, she said.

Dr. Kimemia’s passion for women empowerment and girl-child education was evident throughout her speech, inspiring the audience to take action.

As the lead sponsor, Optiva Capital Partners demonstrated its commitment to gender equality and women empowerment, aligning with the SheCan movement’s objective.

Dr. Kimemia expressed her company’s honour in supporting the initiative, stating, “Optiva Capital Partners is honoured to be the headline sponsor of an initiative that empowers women to reach their full potential, which aligns with our company’s values and commitment to gender equality.”

The conference featured other inspiring speakers, including Audrey Joe-Ezigbo, Deputy Managing Director of Falcon Corporation, Tara Fela Durotoye, one of Forbes’ Africa’s 50 most powerful women and founder of House of Tara International, Shaffy Bello, a Nigerian actor and Grace Ofure Ibhakhomu, Founder of Lifecard International Investment. They shared personal stories of perseverance and success, emphasising key principles such as prioritising personal truth, establishing a clear vision and mission, taking action, persistence, generosity and most importantly putting God first in all one does.

Ezinne Ezeani, founder of SheCan Nigeria, emphasised the importance of community and support.

“My call to everyone today is that you can be human in whatever capacity you find yourself in. It could be that you know how to coach, you know how to be a blessing. Whatever it is, we will be calling”, Ezeani noted.

The event celebrated women’s potential, encouraging them to believe in themselves and their abilities.

Optiva Capital Partners’ support for the initiative and Dr. Kimemia’s inspiring speech on self-empowerment and determination left a lasting impact on the attendees, inspiring them to strive for more. As she concluded, “Believe in yourself, break the barriers, and excel. You got what it takes to be everything that you are meant to be.”

The SheCan Nigeria initiative aims to empower women through mentorship, career development, and support for widows and orphans. With the combined efforts of organisations like Optiva Capital Partners, the movement continues to inspire and uplift women, creating a ripple effect of positivity in the community.

 The attendees left the conference with renewed energy and determination, ready to take on new challenges and break barriers. Dr. Kimemia’s message of self-empowerment and determination continued to resonate with them, inspiring them to reach new heights. The SheCan Nigeria initiative has once again demonstrated its commitment to empowering women and promoting gender equality, inspiring a new generation of women to take action and make a difference.

The conference has once again proven to be a powerful platform for empowering women and promoting gender equality.

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