Global Insurance Innovators Unite: Pioneering Financial Inclusion for All

In the bustling heart of Manilla, a global convergence of insurance innovators took place, stimulated by a fervent pursuit of financial inclusion.

Hosted by Card Pioneer Microinsurance Inc. (CMPI) in the Philippines, the fourth edition of the Microinsurance Master Accelerator program unfolded with enthusiasm and high expectations.

From 4th to 15th March 2024, Pioneer House Makati became the epicenter of transformative knowledge exchange, drawing 15 dynamic delegates from across the globe.

Among them stood a cohort of Nigerian trailblazers, both participants and facilitators, ready to champion the cause of final inclusion.

CMPI’s dedication to creating accessible and cost-effective insurance solutions inspired attendees to rally behind vulnerable communities.

The visionary CEO of Wellahealth and distinguished facilitator from Nigeria, Dr. Ikpeme Neto hailed the program’s immersive model.

He commended its capacity to scale microinsurance to millions, perfectly aligning with Wellahealth’s ethos of extending affordable microinsurance through grassroots networks and trusted agents.

“Events like these,” Neto emphasised, “are pivotal in fostering knowledge sharing and crafting strategies to shield the most vulnerable among us.”

Adebowale Banjo, the CEO of, a leading insurtech in Africa was enthused to experience the Card-Pioneer partnership first hand and to interact with beneficiaries of the union.

“We believe in the transformative power of microinsurance to provide critical financial protection to those who need it the most and CPMI has shown clearly that this can be achieved at scale with positive outcomes for everyone including the underwriters.”

Adebowale further underlined the need for deeper collaborations among players in the industry to drive the growth of microinsurance on the continent.

The Microinsurance Master program was enriched by varying insights from industry leaders across the world. Gideon Atarire, CEO of Allianz Ghana, who was the lead facilitator at the program emphasised the need for players to seek knowledge beyond their borders.

“We have to learn from each other to grow, true innovation in our industry will come from adapting models that have worked elsewhere to our local realities and context.

It is paramount that we continue to share insights from our various markets.”
Bert Opdebeeck, founder of Microinsurance Masters’ Program underscored the program’s role as a conduit for top-tier expertise, practical insights and collaboration across borders.

With the goal of promoting microinsurance awareness and adoption, the program seeks to facilitate widespread adoption of proven techniques that will propel financial security for all and uplift marginalised communities globally.

In this global tapestry of innovation, the Microinsurance Master stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and the possibilities unlocked when diverse minds unite to address the needs of underserved communities worldwide.

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