By ESV Frank Ewere Akpabor,

In our ever-changing business world, your business deserves a strong online presence to remain globally competitive. In the recent years, the local and global real estate spaces are experiencing rapid changes as occasioned by pervasive technology. With the help of technology, leveraging its marketing elements like e-mail marketing, website building, social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and so many others. Real estate professionals are seamlessly closing business deals with or without physical contacts.

For the purpose of this short opinion story, I am focusing my insights on the need for real estate firms to have a functional and engaging website for their overall business growth and development. As far as competition is concerned in the modern real estate space, the need for real estate firms to operate with a functional, appealing and engaging website cannot be overemphasized. This should be part of their growth strategies.

One of the ways to market your products and services to your target audience and prospects as an estate firm is to build an up-to-date website that speaks to your brand positioning, its offerings, what you have done in the past, what is being done now, and even your future plans.

In a very simple definition, a website is a collection of publicly accessible interlinked web pages that share a single domain name. A business website is created and maintained by a business organization. In some developed climes, a website is simply called a web presence. For a website to be engaging it must be uniquely created, and should serve as a one-stop-shop for everything about your real estate business or firm as the case may be. Static websites allow your business to share information to audiences across the world all-day without interruption.

One of the best ways for showcasing new products like property listing is through the website. Irrespective of the market segment or roles being played by the firm in the real estate space, once you continuously engage in listing and advertising, that will drive traffic to your website as a real estate professional. Better property listing via an engaging webpage will enhance the chances of buyers finding the right house through your offerings.

Displaying full details about your offerings and services is another major advantage of having a well-designed and managed website. Both prospects and clients can engage you and your team via your website, initiates, and conclude sales. This is what happens when you can effectively use your website to promote property listing. It does not only drive active traffic to your website, but it leads to sales and client retention.

In all, the business world, and the real estate space by extension is becoming digitally competitive. Thus, the only way a real estate brand can remain competitive is to aggressively embrace technology and leverages the many advantages in business growth and development.
ESV Frank Ewere Akpabor, a registered Estate Surveyor and Valuer write from Benin-City, Edo State.

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