Father’s Day Celebration: UN accused of Systemic Gender Bias against Men

Sunday Ehigiator

In a scathing letter, Men’s Mental Health Advocate and Executive Director, Life After Abuse Foundation, Halima Layeni has slammed the United Nations (UN) for its alleged gender bias against men, citing the lack of recognition or celebration of men’s contributions on Father’s Day.

Despite the UN’s commitment to gender equality, Layeni argues that the organization has consistently ignored days dedicated to celebrating men, perpetuating harmful gender stereotypes and discrimination.

The letter highlights the numerous days dedicated to women, including International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, but notes that there are no UN-recognized days dedicated to men or boys.

Layeni demands accountability from the UN, calling for recognition of men’s contributions and the value of fathers, positive male role models, and the sacrifices men make for their families and communities.

The letter warns that the UN’s failure to act will perpetuate a world where men are marginalized, boys are disenfranchised, and families suffer, undermining the organization’s credibility and legitimacy.

According to her, “This omission is not only a slight against men but also has far-reaching consequences for society. It perpetuates a narrative that men are not equally valuable or important, contributing to systemic gender bias and discrimination.

“It reinforces harmful gender stereotypes, limiting men’s ability to express emotions, seek help, and pursue non-traditional roles. It also neglects the unique challenges men face, such as higher rates of suicide, homelessness, and incarceration.

“I demand accountability from the United Nations. It is time for you to acknowledge the importance of celebrating men and their contributions. It is time for you to recognize the value of fathers, the impact of positive male role models, and the sacrifices men make for their families and communities.

“Your failure to act will have far-reaching consequences. It will perpetuate a world where men are marginalized, boys are disenfranchised, and families suffer. It will undermine your credibility and legitimacy. It will show the world that your commitments to gender equality are nothing more than empty promises.

“I expect a response and a plan of action to address this issue. The world is watching, and men deserve better. It’s time for the United Nations to practice what it preaches and truly champion gender equality for all.”

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