Etsu Nupe, Niger CAN Task Muslims on Peaceful Coexistence

Laleye Dipo in Minna

The Etsu Nupe and Chairman of the Niger State Council of Traditional Rulers, Alhaji Yahaya Abubakar, and the state Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) have called on Muslims across the country to live in peace with one another and adherents of other religions.

In separate statements to mark this year’s Ed Il Kabir, both the Etsu Nupe and the state Chairman of CAN, Most Reverend Bulus Yohanna, submitted that without peace, Niger State and Nigeria in general cannot achieve the much sought after development and transformation.

Etsu Nupe specifically challenged Muslim faithful  to emulate Prophet Ibrahim’s virtues of sacrifice, obedience and submissiveness to the will of Allah, in order to be successful in life, urging them to “shun societal ills and to always endeavour to do good for the betterment of all.

“Societal ills like bribery, corruption, drunkenness and gambling do not do any good to man, society, or the Muslim faithful, hence all believers are enjoined to avoid them.”

The state CAN Chairman Dr. Yohanna, on his part, urged Nigerians to pray fervently for the fast recovery of the economy, noting that high prices of commodities, especially foodstuffs, in the markets presently call for intensive and fervent prayers for God’s divine intervention, adding that: “This is why I am urging Muslim faithful in Niger State and Nigeria in general to use the Eid-el Kabir period for sober reflection and prayer for peace, unity, and economic recovery.

“I hereby appeal to Muslims to pray for the country’s challenges to be overcome.” Most Reverend Yohanna declared that:  “We should, as Nigerians, be encouraged and have hope in God for the transformation of the country,” before commending the state government’s efforts to address security and economic issues.

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