At 67, Bhakti Dhira Urge Government Leaders to Build a Good Relationship with Their Followers.

The following is a brief chat/interview with His Holiness Bhakti Dhira Damodara Swami, on his 67th birthday, shortly before he proceeded to the venue of his vyasa puja celebration. Present in maharaj’s apartment during the interview were Ram vija prabhu, Devarishi prabhu- Maharaj’s dedicated disciples and Utpala Das(Bts).

Ques- Congratulations on your 67th birthday, which incidentally falls on ‘Father’s day.’ Could you please introduce yourself, Maharaj.

Ans- My name is His Holiness, Bhakti Dhira Damodara Swami Maharaj. I am a Nigerian a world leader in the Hare Krishna movement.

Thank you maharaj.
His Holiness Bhakti Dhira Damodara swami Maharaj is one of the world spiritual heads of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). He is
a guru with disciples in Africa, India, North and South America, Mauritius, etc.
Ques: Maharaj, could you please introduce yourself.

Ans: “Materially speaking, my body is from Ogoja in Cross Rivers state of Nigeria. I got to know about Hare Krishna since 1980, but I started to practice fully in 1981. For one year, I was coming to the temple from my house, until 1982 when I moved fully into the Temple. Since then till now, I have been practicing Krishna consciousness. I went through so many obstacles, but I can tell you that it has been a wonderful experience!

Ques – How does it feel, attaining your new age and celebrating your 67th birthday?

Ans- It’s wonderful and when I say that, it doesn’t mean that there are no hills and mountains. We’re not billionaire but where we are today, we’re great ful to God”

Please note that Maharaj, says “WE” an a way of humbly avoiding I and MINE!
Meaning that personally, he can do nothing. God does everything.

Ques- What are the challenges of being a monk?

Ans- Challenges are huge, usually people think that if I have money, I will be very happy and satisfied and the whole World will worship me and I will have friends around me but from practical experience, it has never been like that, this is because the material would is full of envious wicked people who are smiling but their smiling is to just to get you to think that they are with you. They wear artificial faces and do their evil things. This does happen only material life, it is also in spiritual milieu, especially for those who are trying to from materialistic life. Even the Bible says that the a path leading to heaven is very narrow but the path leading to hell is broad and wide.
Only few people want to live spiritual life. It is like that because in the material World, you will find common people more than the serious people and the common people will go for cheap things, for example, if you kept money and banana in a place, a monkey will go for banana and leave the money. Similarly, in the material World, the cheap people will take the material things and leave God.
Challenges in spiritual life, is very wonderful because without it, you can’t succeed in getting to where you are, or where you want to be. If you are strict practitioner, many people will be against, but sometimes they end up being catalysts to your spiritual growth.
Therefore last year, I was appreciating my enemies because they are the people that actually pushed me to God. Because any time they fight me, they get me closer to my creator. On the other hand, when your friends pamper you, you will forget God.
Today, people are more conscious of Satan than of God. If you constantly meditate on problems, you will continue to have problems. That’s why, a very careful person who has been helped by high spiritual personalities should value them, for they will give us training in such a way that when the trainings are understood, you will be steadily progressive, even if very slow.
Their is a saying that slow and steady wins the race.
My experience has been wonderful, although I’ve passed through the thin, thick, and the rough, but by the mercy of God, my superiors and supporters, I’m celebrating my birthday today with joy.

Que- How strong is your Hare Krishna movement in Nigeria and the World in general?

Ans- From my experience, the International community of my movement both in Nigeria and in diasporas is such a wonderful one. If you look very carefully, people who go to diamond shop are very few, while people who go to vegetables market are many, why? it’s because of the prices involved. Harish Krishna movement has a very unique way, we don’t flatter people, we tell people the truth. There are so many prohibitions to make someone holy and like I said before, people like common things, things that doesn’t have value.
Animals don’t have religion nor scriptures that they follow, but human beings have religions and scriptures, so when people prefer a religion or organization that doesn’t have prohibitions which would stop them from sinful life, it’s nothing but, just a polished animal life. Therefore, Hare Krishna religion is unique. If you look at our movement, there are so many prohibitions and it’s only few people that will appreciate it. It only means that it’s only quality people that will appreciate us. From my experience, I have been to so many government offices such as Police stations, Customs, CID’s, and other offices in the North, South, East and West and the highest officers in the establishments often know about Hare Krishna and they appreciate. They have been associating with us because they know we are harmless people.
As well, some people thought we are dangerous people and they misunderstood us. For example, one time in the 80s we were at the central police station Ibadan, wrongly mistook for matitseni fanatics, but in the midst of police commissioners, and other top police officers, practically all the officers claimed to know Hare Krishna, and to my surprise, one of them said, he had investigated this Hare Krishna people for one year and didn’t find them wanting. I can tell you categorically that our membership is very small but we are known; we are not much but our effect is enormous all over the world.
Hare Krishna religion in Nigeria is highly respected for being the most peaceful people in the country. We have no problem with Christians, Muslim and even the pagan religions because we know that we are all serving the same God. Because of this, we identify with members of every religions like brother and sister.

Que- How do you expected a government should be run all over the world?

Ans- The idea of governing means to lead, to serve, and to take care. How would you take care of people you don’t know? For instance, how would a doctor takes care of a patient if he doesn’t know his/ her ailment. If the truth must be told, our leaders should be religious, God fearing and God conscious.
If a politician, father, teacher, religious leader among others are all God fearing, the better for the country. The problem is that, we are lacking leaders who have the interest of his followers at heart, If I don’t have your interest at heart as a leader I will cheat you. The basic need of every citizen is food, water and shelter, and millions of people can’t afford these, even though they are just basic needs which government should provide.
If our leaders were God conscious and understand the word of God, they will lead the citizen in God’s way.
Moreover, we are all blaming the leaders, but where do the leaders come from, they the reflection of where they come from. That is what is affecting all of us. We shouldn’t be pointing accusive fingers, because if all of us were following God’s way, our leaders will be Godly and they will lead us in Godly ways.
However, our leaders should understand that, they are servant leaders, not boss leaders. I could remember in those days when we were in school, they used to tell us that stealing is bad, but today no parent is telling his children that again. Instead, f you get money in a sinful way, people will honour you, it doesn’t matter where and how you get the money, they will honour you. Especially when our government is not punishing those who commit financial or steal from public coffers. You can’t give law, nobody will follow it, people will follow what leaders do, and they will be protected. Therefore they will change and do what others are doing, they will say if you can beat them, join them. That is very foolish, don’t join them, stay on your own. People who have the character to be able to maintain integrity should do. Remember that if you join them, you will follow them to hell and that’s not a good thing.
Our leaders should be able to tell us all these, it doesn’t matter who’s there because sooner or later you’re going to be replaced by another person. Our leaders should be God fearing and principle minded, they should know the scriptures and use it to guide us. How would they know the scriptures one may ask?
it’s through their cabinet members who are spiritual, they should not be the same politicians like them. They should be spiritually elevated who are not there for money, or even ‘who don’t need money’. They need to tell the truth. If they have those people as their cabinet members, they will teach them how to rule in such a way that the whole world will benefit and there will be peace and unity.

Que- How do you think your level of spiritual attainment has affected Hare Krishna?

Ans- it’s a great challenge because it has so many daily temptations. Darkness will not like light, therefore, enemy will react, but the truth about everything is that if you’re God conscious, no power can overcome you. All challenges are not bad, they are also impetus to make us grow stronger and progressive and above all, get us nearer to God.
We have followers all over the World with different experiences, different cultures. It’s interesting to know that one has been able to adapt to all these situations peacefully without any regret.

Que- In what country do you have followers in the World.
Ans: We have followers all over the world.

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