Ododo Restates Commitment to Prioritise Security, Warns Criminal Elements to Relocate

Ibrahim Oyewale in Lokoja

The Kogi State Governor, Mr. Usman Ododo, has restated the commitment of  his administration to prioritise issues of security, stressing that Kogi State would never be a fertile ground for any criminal to practice dubious and ungodly trade.

Ododo disclosed this while receiving visitors at his residence in Okene , Okene Local Government Area of Kogi State yesterday.

He warned criminal elements to move out of the state or face the full wrath of the law from the security agencies.

The governor urged the people of the state to reflect on the spirit of the Salah and to commit to actions that would uplift the  state and country at large.

“As a government, we are committed to protecting lives and property and promoting social welfare by delivering dividends of democracy to enhance the living conditions of our people at all times.

“Let us be security conscious and engage in consistent watch over our neighbourhoods and be prepared to report any suspicious activity to law enforcement agents who are present in all our communities,” he stated.

In his Salah message, the Ohinoyi of Ebiraland, Ahmed Tijani Anaje, cautioned his people against disobedience and behaviour that could impede the peaceful coexistence of the habitants of his domain..

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