How FCCPC is Using “Faith & Fortune” TV Series to Combat Underage Tobacco Use

To combat the menace of underage tobacco use, the Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission recently launched the Faith and Fortune TV Series, a master stroke that is already yielding dividends, Victoria Ojiako writes

Tobacco use is dangerous to health. This is now a fact. It is doubly so for the underaged. Experts contend that underage tobacco use poses significant and many-sided dangers, making it a pressing public health issue worldwide. 

Adolescence is a critical period of growth and development, and the introduction of harmful substances like tobacco during this phase can lead to severe and lasting consequences. Nicotine, the primary addictive component in tobacco harms their developing brains, increases addiction risks, and paves the way for future health problems like respiratory issues, heart disease, and cancer. 

The Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC) recognized this urgency and launched a unique weapon in their fight against the scourge: a television series. The “Faith & Fortune” series aims to educate and protect the youth from the detrimental effects of tobacco.

The innovative television series is part of the FCCPC’s “Don’t Burn Their Future” campaign aimed at curbing underage access to and use of tobacco products. This initiative aligns seamlessly with the objectives of the National Tobacco Control Act (NTCA). It equally reinforces the FCCPC’s commitment to protecting young Nigerians from the dangers of tobacco use. 

The series debuted on June 1, 2024, on DSTV Showcase Channel 151, and airs every Saturday at 6:00 pm, with repeat broadcasts on Tuesdays at 1:30 pm. The 13-episode drama series seeks to harness the power of television to reach a wide and diverse audience, engaging viewers in a compelling narrative that highlights the risks associated with tobacco use among minors.

According to Dr. Adamu Abdullahi, Acting Executive Vice Chairman of the FCCPC, the series aims to educate young people and those who influence them about the health risks of tobacco use, empowering them to make healthier choices. 

“Faith & Fortune” is not just any television series; it’s a carefully crafted narrative designed to appeal to teenagers and young adults. Featuring an array of talented actors, the series addresses key issues such as the addictive nature of tobacco products, the severe health consequences of tobacco use, and strategies to resist peer pressure.

The show’s creative packaging and engaging storyline make it an ideal vehicle for delivering crucial public health messages. By incorporating real-life testimonies and expert insights, the series provides a comprehensive view of the dangers of tobacco use, particularly for young minds and bodies. 

Television is, undoubtedly, a powerful medium for influencing public perception and behaviour. By leveraging the storytelling capabilities of Nollywood, “Faith & Fortune” aims to inspire viewers to make informed decisions regarding tobacco use. The series promotes dialogue about tobacco’s harmful effects, encouraging a collective effort to reduce tobacco-related harm and build healthier communities.

The FCCPC’s initiative underscores the vital role of media in shaping societal attitudes and driving behavioural change. By raising awareness through a popular and accessible platform, the commission hopes to create a ripple effect that extends beyond individual viewers to families, schools, and communities. 

The FCCPC’s campaign is not an isolated effort but a call to action for individuals, families, educators, and policymakers. The series serves as a reminder of the collective responsibility to protect the younger generation from the hazards of tobacco addiction. Through education and awareness, “Faith & Fortune” aims to foster a tobacco-free generation, aligning with broader public health goals.

The series is part of a larger campaign that includes radio adverts, TV commercials, and out-of-home advertorials reiterating its message of discouraging underage access and use of tobacco products. The Commission also opened a toll-free line – 0800-000-2121 – that Nigerians can call to speak to an agent, report abuse, or speak to a counsellor for help if needed. 

The launch of “Faith & Fortune” marks a significant milestone in the FCCPC’s ongoing efforts to combat underage tobacco use. By tapping into the influence of media, the commission seeks to effect long-term changes in attitudes and behaviours towards tobacco. The series is expected to contribute significantly to the reduction of tobacco-related harm, promoting a healthier, more informed populace.

To maximize its reach and impact, the FCCPC is also leveraging digital platforms. “Faith & Fortune” is uploaded on the FCCPC YouTube/blogsite page “ “, making it accessible to a global audience. Each episode is shared across social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, accompanied by engaging posts and discussions to stimulate public interest and interaction. This multi-platform strategy ensures that the series reaches a diverse audience, including those who may not have access to traditional television. By utilizing both traditional and digital media, the FCCPC enhances the visibility and effectiveness of its campaign, fostering widespread awareness and education about the dangers of underage tobacco use.

FCCPC’s introduction of “Faith & Fortune” is a bold and innovative step in the fight against underage tobacco use. It is a masterstroke, a real game changer. Through engaging storytelling and widespread outreach, the series aims to educate and empower young people, helping to secure a healthier future for all Nigerians. As the FCCPC continues its mission to protect consumers and promote fair competition, initiatives like this highlight the commission’s dedication to addressing critical public health challenges and fostering positive change for generations to come.

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