Dr. Adedolapo Fasawe: Building Health, Environment System in the FCT through Renewed Hope Agenda 

Dr. Adedolapo Fasawe, an award-winning Public Health Physician, is the Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) Mandate Secretary for Health Services and Environment Secretariat, a role she stepped into in September 2023 given the  pivotal role she has continuously played in engaging state governments and non-governmental organisations towards improved healthcare service delivery, innovations and environmental initiatives across Nigeria either as a Commissioner designate in Lagos State or in Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency, LASEPA, where she once held sway as general manager. Considered as one of the foremost experts in Nigeria on exploring the nexus between public health and environment for building resilient urban cities for the 21st Century, Chiemelie Ezeobi writes that Dr. Fasawe has brought that magic wand to the FCT where she recently keyed into the Renewed Hope Agenda of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and the FCT Minister, Nyesom Wike, to extend free medical outreach to more than 1000 residents of Kuje community while also championing cleaner energy with the 500 smart gases distributed 

“I have been battling eye problems before and I went to a private clinic for treatment. The money I was charged to treat it and get the recommended glasses was too much so I left. I have been managing my eyesight since then.

“Imagine my joy at coming to the medical outreach today and I got consultation and treatment plus the recommended glasses without paying a dime. You don’t know what you did for me but I am grateful.”

Those were the teary words of Mr. Okon Sunday, one of the hundreds of beneficiaries of the Renewed Hope Free Medical Outreach at the Kuje Community, a sentiment that was re-echoed by several others. 

Renewed Hope Medical Outreach

The outreach, tagged Renewed Hope Free Medical Outreach, was initiated by the Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) Mandate Secretary (MS) for Health Services and Environment Secretariat (HSES), Dr. Adedolapo Fasawe. 

Stressing that the federal government led by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu was working to improve health and well-being of citizens, Dr. Fasawe said the outreach keyed into his Renewed Hope Agenda as this government does not care about your party affiliation, age, sex or religion. 

Speaking for the FCT Minister of state, Mariya Mahmoud, the MS said the outreach was designed to provide free healthcare services to all residents of Kuje as a pilot area council, adding that service would be extended to other area councils and rural communities.

Also speaking, Permanent Secretary FCTA HSES, Babagana Adam, said there is an assurance of improved and sustained access to quality healthcare services not just for Kuje, adding that FCTA would continue to work with other relevant stakeholders to provide quality health services to more FCT residents, particularly the poor and vulnerable.

Services Rendered 

At the medical outreach were different wings including antenatal care for pregnant women, general outpatients care, pediatrics, eye and dental care, nutrition services, HIV, hepatitis tests, follow-up care, surgery and even pharmacy. 

Also, the FCT revealed that there was health insurance for pregnant women in addition to the already ongoing insurance for FCT residents at a token of N1,000 only.

FCT Minister’s Commitment to Implement Life Changing Initiatives 

Known as Mr Projects, the FCT Minister, Nyesom Wike, has not just changed the trajectory of the capital city in terms of infrastructural development, but has also extended that commitment to social and medical welfare as he has not just constantly assured the residents of the commitment to implement Mr Tinubu’s life-changing programmes through the Renewed Hope Agenda, but has also walked the talk. 

According to the MS, the immense support from the FCT Minister to the Health Services and Environment Secretariat has pushed them to achieve a very significant reduction in maternal and infant mortality in the FCT through measurable multifaceted approach such as community engagement, transparency, efficient service delivery, optimal health workers’ working environment, increased Health Insurance enrolment and sustainable environment aimed at strengthening the six health building blocks.

Improved Access to Healthcare Services for KujeCommunity

For the Kuje community, beyond their joy at the services rendered, the notion that such access to healthcare would further trickle down to their respective healthcare facilities was the icing on the cake. 

Corroborating, Dr. Fasawe said the beauty of the outreach was not just the lives touched but that it has brought sustained healthcare access to Kuje and its hinterlands. 

It was to an elated residents that the mandate secretary revealed that all the equipment, drugs and other medical accoutrements used for the medical outreach would be used to equip all public health facilities in Kuje and its hinterlands. 

That way, she said Kuje would not be overburdened by patients who come from the hinterlands for treatments. Beyond that, the Mandate Secretary backed by Wike has already started an upgrade in the 14  government-owned hospitals and several Primary Health Care facilities, including those in security high risk areas. 

She said: “We are leaving behind essential medical equipment to support local healthcare facilities because our  goal is to ensure that the services offered today will continue to be available in your nearest Primary Healthcare Centres (PHCs).”

“This is the administration of renewed hope. We are committed to showing that the government is serious about your health and well-being, the services you receive here today are just the beginning.”

Describing the outreach as life changing, the Chairman of the Kuje Area Council, Abdullahi Sabo, who was represented by his chief of staff, said the council would continue to complement FCTA’s efforts to improve the health and nutrition well-being of the people.

Particularly thrilled by the move by the MS and the Minister, the Gomo of Kuje, Haruna Jibrin, said the medical outreach was the first of its kind in the council, adding that it was indeed a demonstration of President Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda. 

The Royal Father also expressed joy that the medical outreach has opened a new vista for more access to healthcare services for the community. 

Championing Cleaner Environment through Smart Gases

Extending to the FCT one of the initiatives she engineered in Lagos as General Manager of the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA), Dr. Fasawe provided and distributed 500 cooking gas to encourage the residents to embrace cleaner air instead of reliance on charcoal.

According to her, promoting clean cooking to reduce health risks from smoke and pollution, as well as addressing environmental health, aligns with the HSES’ mission because the quality of their health is directly proportional to the quality of their environment, adding that “we’re providing gas cookers to reduce reliance on firewood, which contributes to respiratory issues and climate change”.

At the end of the outreach, it was a happy community that escorted the medical team and staff of the HSES’ to the gate. But beyond this, the heroes of the day were the medical team led by Dr. Fasawe, including the Medical Women’s Association of Nigeria led by Professor Rosemary Ogu, who braved the hot weather to tirelessly cater to the teeming crowd from dawn to dusk. 

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