The Many Quiet Accomplishments of Tech Amazon, Kemi Ariyo

Mary Nnah
Kemi Ariyo stands as a beacon of excellence in Nigeria’s IT industry. As the IT Director of Airtel Nigeria, she has shattered glass ceilings, becoming the only female IT Director in Airtel Africa and the first woman to hold such a position at Airtel.

Her journey, marked by resilience and innovation, is a testament to her formidable prowess in a traditionally male-dominated field.
“I feel an immense sense of responsibility,” Ariyo shared. “Being the group’s largest market brings both opportunities and pressures, and my role is pivotal in ensuring that our technology infrastructure supports our business objectives and that we remain competitive”, she added.
Ariyo’s ascent in the IT world began over a decade ago. Starting her career as an application support engineer, she quickly distinguished herself through her technical acumen and leadership abilities. Her roles evolved from billing administration and sales support to leading application support at IBM.
In 2019, she was promoted to Head of Project Delivery at Airtel, where she led her team to execute complex projects. One of them is the CSDP platform, a multi-vendor system distribution that set a new standard in the telecom industry. This achievement underscored her ability to lead large-scale, high-stakes projects successfully.
Beyond her role at Airtel, Ariyo also runs Brightstar Integral Technology, a company she founded to provide innovative tech and consulting services. Brightstar has been pivotal in developing essential infrastructure for various sectors, including government and finance.
Notably, the company designed and implemented a Human Resource & Payroll System across all local governments in Lagos State and a Know Your Employee system for UBA, showcasing its capability in large-scale process automation and integration.
“Our strength lies in providing clients with focused business consulting and re-engineering of IT services,” Kemi explains. “We help streamline and automate their processes, allowing them to focus on their core business”, she noted.
Easier said than done as she faces the rapid pace of technological change, cybersecurity threats, and the complexities of regulatory compliance. Additionally, the talent crunch in the tech industry due to the “Japa wave” – the emigration of skilled professionals – poses a significant hurdle.
“Balancing these demands while driving innovation and efficiency is a constant challenge,” noted Ariyo.
Ariyo addresses these challenges through strategic planning and continuous learning. She emphasises professional development for her team, fostering a culture of resilience and problem-solving. Her leadership style, characterised by open communication and collaboration, ensures that her team remains motivated and innovative.
Being the only female IT Director in Airtel Africa also presents unique experiences and challenges.
“As the only female IT Director in Airtel Africa, my experiences have been both challenging and rewarding,” Ariyo reflected. “Navigating a male-dominated industry requires resilience and assertiveness, but it also offers a unique perspective that can drive innovation and inclusivity”, she added. 
She is committed to mentoring and supporting other women in technology. Her role as a trailblazer inspires many, showing that diversity and inclusion are not just ideals but integral to business success. She is proud to contribute to a more diverse and dynamic industry landscape.
Balancing the demands of a high-profile career and personal life is a challenge that Ariyo navigates with discipline and organisation. She believes in the importance of work-life balance and ensures that she dedicates time to her family and personal pursuits.
“Work-life balance is quite relative,” she said, adding,  “I believe there’s a time for work and a time for play. It’s a matter of how organized and disciplined you are with your time.”
Ariyo’s journey is far from over. Her vision for the future includes expanding the impact of Brightstar Integral Technology and continuing to drive innovation at Airtel. She aims to leverage her unique blend of technical expertise and business acumen to solve more complex problems and deliver greater value.
“I have learned that nothing is impossible through thinking outside the box and being innovative,” Kemi shares. “Persistence and focus will lead you to delivering the best value.”
Her advice to other women considering a career in IT is clear: pursue your ambitions with persistence and focus and seek out environments that support diversity and growth. Ariyo’s story is a powerful reminder that with determination and innovation, one can achieve remarkable success, regardless of the challenges.
In the years to come, Kemi Ariyo is poised to reach even greater heights, further solidifying her legacy as a transformative leader in the tech industry. Her many quiet accomplishments serve as an inspiration, illustrating the profound impact of dedication and resilience in shaping a better, more inclusive future for technology.

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