Business Desk: Revolutionizing SME Registrations and Government Filings

In 2024, Covenant Chukwudi, a visionary digital platform architect, founded Business Desk to tackle a pressing issue faced by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria – the cumbersome process of government and permit filings. With a passion to build innovative solutions, Covenant aimed to create a seamless and affordable platform for businesses to access essential services.

In a statement by Covenant Chukwudi the director, he said “ we recognized the struggles SMEs faced in navigating the complex registration and filing processes, often resulting in wasted time, resources, and missed opportunities, and as such we envisioned a platform that would simplify these tasks, making it easier for businesses to focus on growth and development.”

Business Desk is committed to providing low-cost, efficient, and reliable registration and filing services to SMEs. By leveraging technology and expertise, the platform aims to bridge the gap between businesses and government agencies, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

The Company offers a range of services, including:
CAC business name registration from ₦5,000, Seamless registrations and government filings & Expert support and guidance.

By providing affordable and accessible services, Business Desk seeks to empower SMEs, foster entrepreneurship, and contribute to Nigeria’s economic growth. With a user-friendly platform and dedicated team, the brand is poised to make a significant impact in the business community.

Under Covenant’s leadership, Business Desk is committed to continuous innovation, expansion of services, and strategic partnerships. The brand envisions a future where SMEs can thrive, unfettered by bureaucratic hurdles, and is dedicated to making that vision a reality.

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