NBA Ikeja Law Week Commences With Prayers

The much-awaited Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Ikeja Branch law week began on Friday, June 21, 2024, with Friday prayers and there was also a Sunday service to pray for Lawyers. It is expected that the event will last till June 27, 2023.

The weeklong event has so far lived up to expectations, given the high turnout of registered Lawyers and members of the Ikeja Bar. It has been a celebration of commitment to Justice, the Rule of Law, and the Continuous Development of Legal Practice in Nigeria so far.

The theme for this year’s Law Week “Public Governance in Troubled Times: Safeguarding the Rule of Law”, has been described as resonating deeply with the challenges and opportunities that the legal profession faces in our rapidly evolving world, according to the Branch Chairman, Mr Seyi Olawumi.

According to the Chairman, the week will have an exciting lineup of events, that will provide valuable insights and foster robust discussions on various aspects of the law.

Some of the highlights are the Keynote Address and Panel discussions which will have esteemed Speakers and Panelists, including, Mr Kanu Agabi, SAN (Keynote Speaker); Mr Lawal Pedro, SAN; Professor John Oluwole Akintola; National President, CLASFON, Yemi Ademolekun; Norrison Quakers, SAN; Dr Olaniyi Olopade, SAN; Afolabi Selebo, Tokunbo Wahab; Dr Oluyinka Olumide; Professor Olarenwaju Fagbohun, SAN, and other high-profile Speakers will be on hand to share their expertise on contemporary issues.

Legal issues, including the impact of technology on the legal profession, human rights advocacy, and the role of lawyers in economic development will also be in the front burner.

Shedding more light on the event, Olawumi said “as legal practitioners, they must adapt to these changes, uphold the highest standards of professional conduct, and contribute meaningfully to the development of the legal system’’.

“As our commitment to giving back to the community, our legal aid clinics will provide free legal services to those in need, ensuring that justice is accessible to all. This is a testament to our dedication to serving the public, and upholding the principles of equity and fairness.”

Olawumi gave assurances that the Ikeja Law Week, will also provide an excellent opportunity for networking and building professional relationships.

“Our social events will facilitate interactions among legal professionals, fostering a sense of camaraderie and collaboration.

“As we embark on this week of activities, I want to emphasise our unwavering commitment to excellence in legal practice. The legal profession is the bedrock of a just society, and we must continuously strive to uphold the integrity, independence, and professionalism that our calling demands.

The Chairman also noted the challenges that lie ahead, from the ever-changing legal landscape to the pressures of maintaining ethical standards in a competitive environment. He further noted that an immense opportunity for growth is also seen, as well as innovation, and positive impact.

He said it is through events like Law Week that they can collectively address these challenges, share knowledge, and inspire each other to achieve greater heights.

He took the opportunity to thank sponsors, partners, and all the volunteers who worked tirelessly to make the Law Week a reality. Adding that, their support and dedication are greatly appreciated, and have been instrumental in bringing this event to fruition.

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