Army: Viral Audio on Alleged Recruitment of Insurgents False, to Incite Religious Crisis

Ikechukwu Aleke in Abuja

The Nigerian Army has discredited the viral audio message on how it was recruiting jihadists and Islamic extremists into its fold.

The Service also noted that the intendment of the originators of the falsehood was to incite religious disharmony in the country.

A statement by Director Army Public Relations, Maj Gen Onyema Nwachukwu, said the narrative depicted in the footage, was not in any instance a reflection of the true values and standards of the NA.

He added that it was targeted at sparking palpable anxiety and fear, sowing discord and mistrust amongst personnel, eroding public confidence in the integrity of the NA, particularly among Christian and non-Muslim communities, who might feel their lives and faith are under threat, and ultimately engender religious crisis in the country.

He said, “The attention of the Nigerian Army (NA) has been drawn to an audio-visual recording circulating on various online platforms, purportedly showing a misleading report suggesting that the NA is recruiting Islamic fundamentalists and jihadists.

“The footage also falsely portrayed an officer calling on Muslim young men to join the military to protect and propagate Islam. Considering the gravity of these falsehood, the NA wishes to clearly state that the narrative depicted in the footage is not in any instance a reflection of the true values and standards of the NA.

“It is targeted at sparking palpable anxiety and fear, sowing discord and mistrust amongst our personnel, eroding public confidence in the integrity of the NA, particularly among Christian and non-Muslim communities, who might feel their lives and faith are under threat, and ultimately engender religious crisis in the country.”

Nwachukwu said the NA remained steadfast in upholding professionalism and impartiality as an institution devoid of ethnic and religious bigotry.

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