The Role of Real Estate Professionals In Addressing Climate Change

ESV Adunola Adeniyi Joshua,

In addressing the problem of climate change, that is currently affecting the human race; all professionals in the built environment and the entire real estate space by extension have pivotal roles to play.

All in a quest to addressing the enormous problems facing the human race, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as enshrined in the United Nations (UN) document that is aimed at addressing the human challenges that resolves round the SDGs by the year 2030.

To achieve and eco-friendly housing development across the world, professionals in the built environment must play very key roles in ensuring that the environment is not only protected for the immediate and generations to come, but also to ensure that the best housing development and services are being rendered to the rapidly growing world population.

The SDG goal number eleven specifically speaks to sustainable cities and communities, and for this to be realized, the professionals in the built environment must come together and forge a common vision of entrenching an eco-friendly built environment that will birth quality housing development and services. It is a known fact that every modern city in the world is a product of well thought-out planning and carefully carried out execution. And this is the pivotal role being played by the professionals in the built environment, including Estate Surveyors and Valuers.

In a quest to meet the need for shelter as the world population keeps growing, the global environment has suffered a lot from human, urbanization and housing activities, and this has grossly affected the natural eco-system. These activities by extension, have affected the global climate negatively.

Considering the adverse consequences of housing development and other construction activities, the need for eco-friendly housing development is now more than ever. For a global sustainable development, the current crop of professionals in the real estate industry must think, work, and collectively develop houses that will serve the growing population and also preserve the same environment for future use. As far as real estate is concerned, the issue of sustainability cannot be overemphasized.

To address these climate change challenges that are emanating from housing development, the professionals in the built environment must be allowed to smartly handle smart projects that will birth the desired smart house, smart cities, smart environment, and a safer and more sustainable climate to dwell in. One of the key ways to surmount the challenges of climate change is to ensure that world leaders address the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as being advocated by the United Nations (UN).

ESV Adunola Adeniyi Joshua is a registered and practicing Estate Surveyor and Valuer

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