‘Nigeria’s Crypto-currency Market Worth over $400m’

Kayode Tokede

The Director-General of the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC), Mr. Emomotimi Agama, yesterday disclosed that the Nigeria’s crypto-currency market is estimated to be worth over $400 million, with a significant portion of the population involved in crypto-currency trading and transactions.

Speaking at the 2024 Annual Conference of the Association of Capital Market Academics of Nigeria (ACMAN) in Abuja, with the theme: ‘Crypto Assets and the Nigerian Economy: Implications for Financial Markets Regulation’, the SEC DG said the volume of the crypto-currency market in Nigeria would hit $52.5 million in 2028, indicating a 12.66 per cent increase between 2024 and 2028.

According to Agama, despite economic challenges, the country has emerged as one of the leading countries globally in terms of crypto adoption and volume of transactions.

He said: “Reports indicate that Nigeria’s crypto transaction volume reached $56.7 billion between July 2022 and June 2023, representing a nine percent year-over-year growth.

“The country’s crypto market is estimated to be worth over $400 million, with a significant portion of the population involved in crypto-currency trading and transactions.”

While disclosing that approximately 33.4 percent of Nigerians own or use crypto-currencies, the director-general said the country can take advantage of the large number to further provide financial services for the over 38 million unbanked adults. According to him, some people don’t have bank accounts but they have wallets.

He added that crypto-currencies can also provide cheaper and more efficient methods of remittance for Nigerians in diaspora.

“Crypto-currencies can significantly reduce remittance costs, with Bitcoin transactions cutting fees by up to 50 percent. Nigeria is one of the largest recipients of remittances in Africa. Crypto-currencies offer a more efficient and cost-effective way for Nigerians abroad to send money home. With traditional remittance fees often being prohibitively high, crypto-currencies provide a cheaper and faster alternative,” he said.

Agama, however, noted that despite the numerous advantages, challenges persist, pointing out concerns over illicit activities, as highlighted by Nigeria’s Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), which has reported cases of crypto-related scams.

According to the SEC DG, regulatory uncertainty, security concerns and financial literacy pose a serious threat to crypto use.

“The lack of a comprehensive regulatory framework has created uncertainty, which can deter both investors and innovators. Cybersecurity threats, including hacking and fraud, pose significant risks. A substantial portion of the population lacks adequate financial literacy, making them vulnerable to scams and risky investments,” he explained.

Agama asserted that Crypto assets present significant opportunities and challenges for Nigeria’s economy, noting that a balanced regulatory approach is essential to harness their benefits while mitigating risks.

“Collaborative efforts from regulators, industry stakeholders, and the public are crucial for developing effective regulations. I encourage continued dialogue and cooperation to ensure a secure and innovative financial ecosystem,” he said.

In his remarks, the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Mr. Mairiga Katuka, said the introduction of crypto presents an advantage for the markets, and urged all to chart a course forward for Nigeria with its vibrant financial markets.

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