Edo Guber: Asue Ighodalo in bold transformation agenda drive

 By Benedict Aguele

As the 2024 Edo State gubernatorial election approaches, the political landscape is awash with candidates promising change. Among them, Asue Ighodalo stands out with a comprehensive manifesto that pledges to transform Edo State into a beacon of progress and prosperity. As a public affairs analyst and an indigene of Edo State, I have taken a close look at Ighodalo’s manifesto, and it is clear that his vision is not just ambitious but meticulously planned to tackle the state’s most pressing issues head-on.

At the heart of Ighodalo’s manifesto is an unwavering commitment to the wellbeing of Edo residents. He sets an audacious goal to reduce poverty to less than 10% across the state. This is not mere rhetoric; his plan includes the establishment of food banks to support the poorest and most vulnerable, ensuring good roads, potable water, and electricity, and providing the best schools in Nigeria.

Education and skill acquisition form a critical part of his strategy. Ighodalo plans for every child above 15 years to learn a skill, which will be facilitated through job schools designed to train the unemployed and establish top-tier vocational and trade schools. This focus on education and skill development is crucial for the long-term economic empowerment of our youth. As I have often argued, investing in human capital is the surest path to sustainable development. Ighodalo’s vision aligns perfectly with this principle, aiming to equip our young population with the skills they need to thrive in a competitive world.

Healthcare is another cornerstone of his wellbeing agenda. Ighodalo promises to provide affordable medical services to the most vulnerable and transform Edo into a destination for health tourism. This dual approach addresses both the immediate healthcare needs of our citizens and positions Edo as a regional hub for medical excellence.

Ighodalo’s economic strategy is robust and multifaceted, aiming to position Edo as a powerhouse within the South-South region and beyond. His vision includes transforming Edo into the food basket of South-South Nigeria by establishing large, properly designed production parks in the three senatorial areas. This initiative will not only boost agricultural output but also create jobs and stimulate local economies.

Moreover, Ighodalo’s plan to promote the export of Made-In-Edo products, talents, and services is particularly forward-thinking. In a globalized economy, it is essential that Edo taps into international markets. By doing so, we can diversify our economy and reduce our reliance on a few sectors. His emphasis on planned and organized infrastructure for industrial production, such as the development of the Benin River Port and logistics and distribution centers, is exactly the kind of strategic investment that will spur economic growth.

Ighodalo also plans to establish technology parks in the three senatorial districts, fostering innovation and attracting tech entrepreneurs. This is a critical move in an era where technology drives economic growth. By creating environments where tech companies can thrive, Edo can become a leading hub for innovation in Nigeria.

The introduction of affordable public transportation powered by compressed natural gas (CNG) is another highlight of his economic plan. This initiative not only addresses the transportation needs of the populace but also promotes environmental sustainability. CNG-powered vehicles emit less pollution compared to traditional gasoline or diesel-powered vehicles, aligning with global efforts to reduce carbon footprints.

Environmental sustainability is another pillar of Ighodalo’s manifesto. He envisions a clean, healthy environment achieved through green and eco-friendly building projects, a well-articulated strategy to achieve net zero carbon, and the promotion of eco-tourism resorts. These initiatives are not just environmentally sound but also economically beneficial. Eco-tourism, for instance, can attract visitors from around the world, boosting our local economy.

His commitment to transitioning to renewable energy and creating green micro-grids demonstrates a forward-thinking approach to energy policy. In a state with abundant natural resources, it makes sense to harness renewable energy sources. This not only reduces our dependence on fossil fuels but also ensures a sustainable and reliable energy supply for future generations.

Good governance is at the core of Ighodalo’s manifesto. He promises to create a civil and public service that attracts top talents, significantly increase the state’s internally generated revenue (IGR), and establish strong, resilient institutions. This approach is essential for ensuring that the state can implement and sustain the ambitious projects outlined in his manifesto.

Ighodalo’s commitment to creating the most open, accountable, and transparent government in Nigeria is particularly noteworthy. Transparency and accountability are crucial for building trust between the government and the people. By fostering a culture of openness, Ighodalo aims to ensure that government actions are scrutinized and that public officials are held accountable.

The establishment of an Edo Diaspora Commission to connect the diaspora with the state’s development is another innovative idea. The Edo diaspora represents a significant pool of talent and resources. By engaging them in the state’s development, Ighodalo aims to leverage their expertise and investments to drive growth and development.

Security is a major concern for any society, and Ighodalo’s plans to address this issue are comprehensive. He envisions full state and local government policing, the creation of world-class emergency response centers, and making Edo the safest and most secure state in Nigeria. This is not just about increasing the number of security personnel but also about ensuring they are well-trained, motivated, and equipped to handle the challenges they face.

Ighodalo’s plan to create a thriving, buoyant night economy is particularly innovative. By ensuring that people feel safe to go out at night, he aims to stimulate economic activity and create a vibrant nightlife. This will not only boost the local economy but also improve the quality of life for residents.

Beyond the specifics of his manifesto, what truly sets Ighodalo apart is his approach to politics. Unlike traditional Nigerian political campaigns characterized by large hired crowds and orchestrated fanfare, Ighodalo has engaged with the people systematically and in intimate settings. This approach reflects a genuine commitment to understanding and addressing the needs of Edo’s residents.

As someone who has observed Nigerian politics for years, I find this refreshing. Ighodalo’s method of engaging with the people before presenting his manifesto is a testament to his corporate background and a new way of doing politics. His intimate and systematic engagements show why more people from the corporate world should join politics. They bring a level of professionalism, strategic thinking, and accountability that is often lacking in the political arena.

Asue Ighodalo’s manifesto is a detailed roadmap for the transformation of Edo State. His proven track record in law, business, and economics positions him far ahead of other candidates. Ighodalo clearly knows the job and has outlined how he would tackle each problem from day one. That’s the kind of leadership Edo people need.

Ighodalo’s experience, vision, and commitment make him the best choice for Edo’s future. As the election approaches, Edo State residents will be closely watching to see how these plans unfold and whether Ighodalo’s vision can truly lead Edo into a new era of prosperity and development.

 *Benedict Aguele is an entrepreneur and an indigene of Edo State. He wrote this piece from federal capital city, Abuja.

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