Pastor Umo Eno’s Giant Strides

Pastor Umo Eno, Governor of Akwa Ibom State, is not a greenhorn in the political circle in the state. He had contributed to the development of the state in various capacities before providence found him worthy to govern the state after winning the election in February 2023.

To the chagrin of those who never believed in his capacity to deliver on his campaign promises, they have refused to commend him for his laudable strides in building the state to an enviable height.

Following the teachings of the Bible, Eno was never caught in the web of casting aspersions on opposition leaders or parties like some of his peers do. Instead, he has continued to consolidate his ability to bring everyone together under the umbrella of peace and development, regardless of their party affiliation.

This, it was gathered, has further made him a delight of many who are ready to collaborate with him for the development of the oil-rich state.

 As a man of God, he has ruled with the fear of God. He also works, hoping to be held accountable for his actions, a virtue that has seen him deliver on his promises tremendously well.

Shortly after he was sworn in, he hit the ground running by telling those who cared to listen that he is in government house for serious work and not frivolities.

Eno disclosed that rather than chase many rats and lose all of them; he would rather focus on key areas incorporated in the Arise Agenda that will make the state an envy of others. He chose economic/industrial advancement and wealth creation, security management, sound educational and health sector management, infrastructural maintenance advancement and ICT development, rural development women and youth empowerment, agriculture revolution, tourism, sports/social development and environmental management, among others.

With his numerous achievements within one year, Akwa Ibomites have passed a vote of confidence on him to deliver more in the next year by touching almost all the local government areas with critical infrastructure projects, all aimed at developing the state.

With the reward for good work being more work, Eno is not relenting in bringing his repertoire of knowledge into play in enhancing an Akwa-Ibom that will stand out as one of the best states in Nigeria.

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