Suicide Bombers Attack Another Borno Town

Michael Olugbode in Maiduguri

Less than 24 hour after three suicide bomb attacks shook Gwoza in Southern Borno on Saturday, Boko Haram took on Monguno in the Northern part of the state with a bomb attack on Sunday.

According to residents of Monguno, there was a bomb attack at 11:45 am on Sunday at Mile 90 along Monguno-Baga road, which claimed two lives, an elderly person and a young man.

It was gathered that the blast occurred close to farmlands near Monguno and the two casualties were farmers.

There was little information on the attack, as the attention of many in the state was still focused on those injured in Saturday’s attacks in Gwoza.

The Gwoza attacks have made the State Specialist Hospital in Maiduguri to become a hub of activities following the arrival of more wounded individuals who were brought in to be treated.

Medical personnel all through Sunday  were stretched as they attended to patients, many of whom were in critical condition.

The atmosphere at the hospital located at the centre of Maiduguri was pensive as family members trooped in to see their injured relatives on admission,

It was gathered that some injured persons were brought to the hospital in the early hours of Sunday. The victims include children, women and men.

Amidst the grief and uncertainty, residents expressed  the hope that measures will be taken swiftly to prevent such tragedies from happening in the future.

Some families are still anxiously waiting for the news of their loved ones, praying for their recovery amidst the ongoing chaos.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Governor, Umar Usman Kadafur, led stakeholders of Gwoza local government, including Senator representing Southern Borno, Ali Ndume; member representing Gwoza, Damboa and Chibok, Ahmed Usman Jaha; member representing Gwoza at the Borno State House of Assembly, Buba Abatcha, among others to visit the victims.

He distributed N5 million naira to the victims and promised to visit Gwoza on Monday with the stakeholders to sympathize with the attacked community.

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