Realtor Timothy Moyofola Receives Prestigious Award from Pan African Youth Foundation

Timothy Moyofola, a renowned realtor and the founder of God’s Land Empire, has been honored with an award of recognition from the Pan African Youth Foundation. The ceremony took place at the British Council in Accra, Ghana, where Moyofola was celebrated alongside 99 other distinguished individuals making significant contributions across various African countries.

In a heartfelt social media post, Moyofola expressed his gratitude for the recognition. “Thanks to the Pan African Youth Foundation for this great initiative to celebrate and recognize great minds who are the future of Africa,” he said.

Moyofola highlighted the importance of the event in fostering international connections. “This trip has also made me connect with a special set of people who I believe, by the Special Grace of God, will lead to several international collaborations all across the globe,” he shared.

Emphasizing the role of entrepreneurs and youth in Africa’s development, Moyofola stated, “We entrepreneurs and youth are the future of our great Africa.”

He also viewed the award as a significant milestone for his ventures. “I believe this is a win for @godslandempire and Timmie-Kettle Ltd at large,” he concluded.

The Pan African Youth Foundation’s recognition of Moyofola and his peers underscores the organization’s commitment to celebrating and empowering young leaders who are driving positive change across the continent.

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