UNILAG Students Protest Alleged Sexual Misconducts in College of Medicine

Sunday Ehigiator

A disturbing trend of sexual assault has been exposed in the College of Medicine at the University of Lagos (UNILAG), sparking outrage and calls for reform among students and anti-violence organisations on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Victims have taken to the social media platform, sharing harrowing accounts of assault and criticizing the university’s inadequate response, using the hashtag #EndSACultureInCMUL.

According to reports, one victim reported the assault to the Dean of Student Affairs, only to receive a meagre fine and an apology letter from the alleged perpetrator.

According to the report, the university policy allows first-time offenders to pay a mere N2,500 for sexual assault, with repeat offenders facing a doubled fine of N5,000.

Among several others, allegations of sexual assault were made against a second-year pharmacy student, Oluwagbemileke Otokiti, according to an anonymous messages sent to @Theariaspeaks on X, Otokiti was previously involved in a similar incident in March 2024.

He was reportedly fined ₦5000, and required to write an apology letter and provide a guarantor to vouch for his conduct by the University of Lagos’ student legislative council, known as the House of Lords.

On June 28, 2024, another male pharmacy student was reported for sexually harassing a female radiography student.

According to the report, at approximately 1:00 am on June 26, when the victim had fallen asleep in a cold room where she was studying, a student identified as Samuel inappropriately touched her. The victim pushed Samuel away and called her friend, who confronted him, but he wasn’t bothered. He allegedly claimed that “it was mutual”.

She said she reported the case to the school’s House of Lords, and an investigation was launched immediately.

One of the messages sent to @TheAiraspeaks also exposed one Chibueze Nwammah, a 600-level male medical student, as an abuser who has allegedly assaulted over 30 female students.

Under the guise of checking on his victims’ academic progress severally, he allegedly takes advantage of them, forcing them to hug him and rub his penis against them.

In October 2023, Chibueze was said to have been reported to the school authorities over sexual assault involving at least 11 female classmates and an unknown number of students in younger classes. A petition was written and signed by 54 people. The authorities formed a panel, but there has been no update.

In another case, when news of an assaulted pharmacy student reached the Pharmaceutical Association of Nigerian Students’ sub-dean, the only action taken was a vague message in a group chat advising male pharmacy students to reign their emotions in and “mind your conduct with the opposite sex.”

Despite these serious allegations, the accused perpetrators continue to participate freely in regular school activities, including sports and social events. Most disturbingly, they remain housed in mixed-gender dormitories, potentially putting more female students at risk.

In the wake of the initial tweet, several victims have come forward with compelling evidence, not only incriminating the alleged perpetrators but also implicating the University of Lagos management in a systematic cover-up, as well as some lecturers within the school.

The administration mandates that every undergraduate sign an indemnity form, effectively gagging them from all forms of protest under threat of expulsion.

However, a petition has been launched by well-meaning organisations, demanding stricter consequences for sexual assault perpetrators, including withholding professional licenses and implementing effective punishments.

Established anti-violence organizations, such as LagosDVSA and WARDC, have thrown their support behind the initiative, signalling a broader recognition of the need to address campus sexual assault.

Attempts to reach the Dean of Students proved abortive as at press time.

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