Edo State: Emmanuel Osemota Foundation Impacts over 500 Pupils with Writing Materials

Rebecca Ejifoma

The Emmanuel Osemota Foundation (EOF) has reaffirmed its commitment to education in Edo State in its recent school supplies giveaway to over 500 pupils at Emaudo Primary School in Ekpoma.

This event is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Samuel Uwa Osemota, the father of EOF’s visionary leader, Emmanuel Osemota. It aimed to empower local school children and support the community.

Osemota, who is an epidemiologist based in the United States, emphasised the importance of such initiatives. “Providing school children with the necessary tools is not just a gesture, it is an investment in their future,” he said.

The founder also pointed out that complementing the government’s initiatives in education is not just a duty but a privilege.

While underscoring EOF’s commitment to education and health initiatives in Edo State with several impactful activities already held this year, Osemota says more events have been mapped out for the future.

He, however, acknowledged the role of his father. “My father’s unwavering love for education has been a profound source of inspiration for this initiative,” Osemota explained.

Through efforts like the school supplies giveaway, EOF continues to make an igniting impact on the educational landscape of the state, demonstrating a model of compassion and empowerment for others to follow.

In his reaction, the Headmaster at Emaudo Primary School, Mr. Ehiosun Ehichoya, expressed, “This support means a lot to our students. It not only provides them with the tools they need but also boosts their morale and enthusiasm for learning.”

This year, over 500 pupils and teachers were reached. They received a backpack of stationery like pencils, pens, and books to accelerate their learning and teaching efforts.

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