How Erelu Fayemi is Impacting the World through Her Books 

For Erelu Bisi Fayemi, wife of the immediate past governor of Ekiti State, although writing books and having creative people around bring immense peace and satisfaction, impacting the world positively with works of Arts, however, gives higher satisfaction. Raheem Akingbolu writes

As she stood up and walked briskly to the podium, Erelu Bisi Fayemi, writer, activist and former First Lady of Ekiti State, took another look at her husband, Kayode, who sat next to her, and smiled. In setting and audience the main auditorium of the Mamman Vatsa Writers’ Village in Mpape, Abuja, where guests were seated for June edition of Abuja ANA’s Reading and Writers’ Dialogue, must have given Erelu Fayemi the needed satisfaction and she couldn’t hide it.

 As a feminist activist, over a hundred students, most of them females, were waiting to be mentored and inspired. Her colleagues in the Association of Nigeria Authors (ANA) and other well-wishers were seated in large numbers. Above all, those who could influence policies and act on Erelu’s agitations in most of her books were earnestly waiting to be served.

As the Guest Writer, Erelu was in the ANA Secretariat this Saturday afternoon to read from her latest book; Demand and Supply. The book is the third in the series of ‘Loud Whispers’ that Erelu Fayemi is well known for. Her other books are; Where is Your Wrapper, A Tray of Locust Beans and of course, Loud Whispers.

As she was handed over the microphone, the Guest Writer, beamed a smile again, this time, louder than the one she released while leaving her seat. No doubt, she was overwhelmed with the turnout which her advantaged position on the podium practically showed. After observing a few protocols, which included the presence of Governor of Ekiti State, Mr. Abiodun Oyebanji and the Leader of the Senate, Senator Opeyemi Bamidele, Erelu spoke on what naturally motivated her to write and the impact of writing on her life.

Notwithstanding her position as former First Lady and former Chair of Governors Wives’ Forum, Erelu Fayemi still mustered the courage to declare that her first love was writing, pointing out that her identity as a writer brings her immense peace and satisfaction. She went philosophical as she called Nigeria writers not to rest yet, adding that there are still a lot of things around, waiting to be written about. She described books as tools for social re-engineering and so welcomed more people into the fold of writers to protect human rights, inspire the youths and promote public good.

Erelu Fayemi emphasized the transformative power of writing on society, stating that she writes to change narratives, challenge preconceived notions and stereotypes, seek justice against discrimination, amplify the voices of the unheard, and advocate for systemic change and a better society.

The platform also provided another opportunity for Erelu Fayemi to speak up for women in the public space and spouses of political office holders. Over time, many observers have dismissed wives of governors and presidents as mere extra burdens who could  hardly add value but the guest writer has always told whoever cared to listen that the perception was wrong.

According to Erelu Fayemi, the narrative in Nigeria and around the world about political spouses, First Ladies who are described as appendages of men in power, people who are just there to siphon resources and world power in an undemocratic manner, is unfair to women.

“I would like us to note that this narrative is not the way it was years back. I have worked with sisters and governors’ wives. And I have had the pleasure of working with some of the most dedicated professionals in their own rights that you can find anywhere. And I have two sisters here to give as an example. Her Excellency, Zainab Bagudu, former First Lady of Kebbi State  who is a paediatrician. And Her Excellency, Dr Amina Abubakar Bello, former First Lady of Niger State, an oncologist. Not to mention my successor in Ekiti, the current First Lady of Ekiti State Dr Yemi Oyebanji who is an Associate Professor at the University of Ibadan. So First Ladies are not your unlettered, ignorant, village girl that they bring to Government House. There is no First Lady I know who was not doing anything before her husband became a governor.”

Governor Oyebanji, who led scores of leaders from Ekiti State and members of the state’s caucus in the National Assembly expressed his gratitude to the leadership of Nigerian authors under the aegis of Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA) for creating such a forum for engagement. She urged them to leverage more on their platforms to promote social justice, truth and unity through constructive dialogue that can positively change the nation’s social and political narratives.

While acknowledging the pivotal role of the association in driving social and political change for a better society, the governor hghlighted the importance of literature and the Arts in shaping public opinion and fostering societal progress, Governor Oyebanji commended the association for its contribution to the country’s intellectual and cultural development and urged writers to continue their advocacy for justice, equity, and good governance.

While appreciating ANA for acknowledging the great contributions of the former First Lady, Governor Oyebanji expressed optimism that with continued efforts from the association and support from various stakeholders, Nigeria literature would continue to thrive and contribute significantly to the nation’s development.

The Governor assured the Association that his administration would continue to collaborate, support and provide a conducive environment for literary activities in Ekiti State as well as promoting reading culture among the youth.

“ I thank ANA for the honour done to us in Ekiti State, because what you have done to Erelu Fayemi is an honour done to Ekiti people and as I sat down there, I just engaged in a conversation with myself that this is a conference of established writers and if people spend so much resources and effort to write, we must ensure that those works don’t go unnoticed but supported to lead to a better society in a country where people’s reading culture is going into extinction.

“I can imagine Dr Kayode Fayemi sitting down here, reading from most of those books he wrote as Governor of Ekiti State with respect to policy and advocacy. I am sure that if he is seated here, most former Governors, many Governors, Ministers will be here. We have ANA members in the National Assembly, bring them here let them invite their members because people are so busy but once one of them is involved they will be here, so collectively we can navigate towards a better society that we all dream of”, Oyeebanji asserted.

In their separate goodwill messages, former Governor of Ekiti State, Dr Kayode Fayemi and Senate Majority Leader, Senator Opeyemi Bamidele, commended ANA for bridging the gap between the memories and forgetfulness, and for always reminding the people of their responsibilities as public figures, leaders, and citizens in order to create a better society where no one is left behind.

They maintained that authors have consistently used literature as a tool for awakening national consciousness, inspiring collective action and social reforms, challenging regimes and advocating for the rights of the marginalized.

Also at the event were former and present first ladies, renowned authors, poets, and literary critics across the country, among others.

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