There have been several terrorists attacks on Okomu Oil Plc this year. It is desperate attempt to destroy the good image of Okomu Oil company. Some terrorists who are operating along Benin River want Okomu Oil to use the money meant for corporate social responsibility to service them. Okomu Oil is under attacks because some people want to collect the money Okomu Oil uses to development host communities. Okomu Oil has spent millions working with NGOs and community development organizations to strengthen education and health care, provide vocational training and establish protected nature reserves. It generates millions of dollars in export earnings. Yet these terrorists want to close down Okomu Oil company.

As a company committed to global best practices in palm oil and rubber production, Okomu Oil Palm Company Plc prioritizes not only its products but also the well-being and livelihood of the communities around it. It does not engage in exploitative activities, nor does it dehumanize people or forcibly take their lands or resources.

Okomu has maintained good relations with the communities surrounding its concessions, ensuring a harmonious relationship through continuous corporate social responsibility initiatives that reflect their needs. Despite its efforts, some individuals have been working with others to malign the company with unfounded allegations of land grabbing and other baseless claims.

 Seven weeks ago, four of Okomu oil workers were tragically killed: three within our plantation and one during an attack by the same terrorists in a nearby community known as AT&P. Reports indicate that the group responsible for these attacks is the Ijaw Freedom Fighters. This group has not only targeted Okomu Oil company but has also unleashed terror and destruction in their community, Okomu Ijaw.

The internal crisis in Okomu Ijaw has nothing to do with the oil palm company.The information I present is not originated by me but is available in the public domain. This has been corroborated by various local media outlets. Recently, this group also attacked military personnel from the Nigerian army who were attempting to restore peace in the Okomu Ijaw community. The authorities must go after them.

Inwalomhe Donald, Okomu Village, Ovia South West, Edo State


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