Osun State: Pioneering the ÈDÈ Prize for Language Competition

The inaugural Indigenous spelling bee, the ÈDÈ Prize for Language, aims to encourage Yoruba literacy and academic excellence among students in the country and foster a stronger sense of cultural heritage and linguistic diversity.
The inaugural ÈDÈ Prize competition in Osun State set a high standard hosted at GOF International School, Osogbo. The event saw enthusiastic participation from two (2) schools, Stardom Academy and GOF International Schools.

The competition was intense, with students demonstrating remarkable proficiency in the Yoruba language and culture. The winners in the primary school category were:
Obayemi Blessing (Stardom Academy, Ipetu-Ijesha) who took first place. The second place winner was Omotayo Damilola (Stardom Academy, Ipetu-Ijesha) and
third place: Atanda Rayhanat (GOF International School, Osogbo)

For the secondary school category, the winners were:1st Place: John Jonah (Stardom Academy, Ipetu-Ijesha)
2nd Place: Oyetunji Glory (Stardom Academy, Ipetu-Ijesha)
3rd Place: Odebunmi Inioluwa David (GOF International School, Osogbo)

Bobo Omotayo, the ÈDÈ Prize’s creator, emphasized the event’s role in fostering indigenous literacy and cultural pride. He noted, “The ÈDÈ Prize for Language is not just a competition; it’s a movement to reconnect our youth with their roots and celebrate the beauty of our heritage.”

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