Three Killed as Farmers/Herders Clash in Jigawa

Residents protest killings by militias in Benue

Ahmad Sorondinki in Kano and George Okoh In Makurdi

Three persons have been killed in a clash between farmers and herders in Gauraki and Safa villages in Birnin Kudu Local Government council, Jigawa State.

The clash was said to have occurred after some the herders migrated from Katsina to Jigawa following invitation by some local herders which led to the destruction of farmlands in the areas.

This is just as residents of Ayati -Sai in Ukum Local Government Area of Benue State protested and blocked the Ayati Sai road over the incessant killings in the area.

It was gathered that some farmers were mobilised to protect their farm produce from destruction, and in the process many houses were set ablaze while scores of people sustained various  injuries.

Confirming the incident, the spokesperson, Jigawa State Police Command, DSP Lawan Shiisu,  said at about 1600hrs on Tuesday, the command received information from reliable sources that  herders with a large number of cattle from Katsina state on the invitation by the indigenous herders were sighted moving towards Safa and Gauraki villages in Birnin Kudu Local Government Area, as a result of this, farmlands along the route were destroyed.

DSP Shiisu said it took the intervention of the security agencies to disperse the warring factions and restoring normalcy in the area.

“Farmers also mobilised in large numbers to defend their farmlands before the arrival of a team. On receipt of the ugly report, the Area Commander of Birnin Kudu Area Command mobilised patrol teams alongside Nigeria Security And Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC), and Vigilance Group of Nigeria (VGN) and rushed to the scenes.”

“Consequently, the   people attacked themselves, though, the team succeeded in dispersing the warring parties.

“As the visiting herders made off with their cows, two people—one from each side—lost their lives, three  of the indigenous herders’ houses were set on fire, fifteen (15) of the visiting herders’ abandoned cows were found, and five  indigenous herders who were thought to have invited the herders were taken into custody.

“Currently, normalcy has been restored, as Police tactical teams in collaboration with local Vigilante, Hunters, and Yan Bulala have been deployed to areas to forestall further breaches of peace.

“An investigation commenced, as anyone found guilty after a discreet investigation will be prosecuted accordingly,” Shiisu said.

The spokesperson added: “One from the farmer’s side reportedly passed away today, Wednesday, July 3, 2024, after drowning inside a drainage system yesterday while attempting to flee for his life. Now, the death toll has increased to three.

“All of the suspects arrested will undergo in-depth investigations at SCID Dutse, and those found guilty will face severe consequences.

“The command issued a stern warning to the two parties, telling them to stop taking laws into their own hand and to wait for the state government-appointed committee to come up with a resolution. We promise them that anything the aforementioned committee ultimately recommends will be in their best interests. Meanwhile, residents of Ayati -Sai in Ukum Local Government Area of Benue State protested and blocked the Ayati Sai road over the incessant killings in the area.

The youths also invaded the council secretariat in Zaki Biam, headquarters of Ukum LGA destroying things to express their displeasure over what they described as government insensitivity towards incessant killings in the local government.

The  protest, according to a resident of Ayati village, who spoke to our correspondent on the phone, was triggered by the killing of 11 people Tuesday night by local bandits.

The source, who pleaded anonymity for fear of being attacked said:, “You know how volatile the local government has been in recent times. There is hardly a day we don’t experience killings and kidnappings in this council, unfortunately, the state government has not shown any seriousness in tackling these daily killings.

“Tuesday night, these bandits invaded Ayati village and killed several people, as at the time youths recovered 11 corpses it triggered angst and subsequently stormed the road and protested the killing.

“Some of the youths also went to the council secretariat with the recovered corpses to vent their anger smatched windows and destroyed things there.”

When contacted, Chairman of Ukum LGA, Victor Iorzaa could not confirm the incident, saying he was not in the position to speak on the incident.

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