PFN Endorses FOOD4ALL, Sets to Tackle Hunger and Hardship

The Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), the apex body of all Pentecostal Churches in Nigeria with millions of members across Nigeria and the Diaspora, has taken a critical step, as part of its efforts, to assist millions of Nigerians and their households in tackling the worrisome hunger crisis and the unbearable economic hardship which they are presently faced with.

PFN took this drastic step towards salvaging humanity by endorcimg the “FOOD4ALL Initiative”, a pro-Nigeria food security and agri-food entrepreneurship intervention programme created to help solve Nigeria’s current problems of high food prices, acute hunger, youth and women unemployment, household poverty, economic hardship, high youth crime and national insecurity.

National President of the Pentecostal Fellowahip of Nigeria (PFN) Bishop Francis Wale-Oke, received and hosted the FOOD4ALL Advocacy Team in his church at Ibadan headed and led by Comrade Kennedy Iyere.

He received the team at the Headquarters of the Sword Of The Spirit Ministries (aka Christ Life Church).

He gave his total support to the program and pledge his full support for the food security intervention.

“I am Bishop Francis Wale-Oke, by the grace of God, the National President of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), the Chancellor of Precious Cornerstone University and Founding President of the Sword of the Spirit Ministries.

This programme, the FOOD4ALL Initiative, is a great intervention that is God-sent to take care of the ticking time bomb of food insecurity and acute hunger crisis, which if not speedily and squarely tackled will explode Nigeria into a chaotic and catastrophic mass protest by angry hungry people, who are overwhelmed with unbearable hunger and economic hardship.

FOOD4ALL Initiative is also a critical intervention capable of neutralizing the atomic bomb of youth restiveness, which indeed is a huge threat to the country’s political stability, national security and economic productivity.

Therefore, it is my pleasure and joy, to whole-heartedly endorse the FOOD4ALL Initiative, in my capacity, as the National President of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), Chancellor of Precious Cornerstone University and Founder of the Sword Of The Spirit Ministroes.

I also call on all influential Nigeeians and all well-meaning citizens to give their whole support and total commitment towards the success of this great intervention program”, Bishop Wale-Oke said.

It is a widely known fact that Nigeria is presenty confronted with acute food crisis for which many families are unable to feed themselves, a worrisome ugly development that poses huge health hazards to millions of Nigerians, especially children and other most vulnerable citizens.

Apart from the health risks, Nigeria’s existing hunger crisis also poses a critical threat to its political stability, human productivity and national security.

These negative factors are indeed too saliently dangerous to be ignored and it is for that same reason that the “FOOD4ALL Initiative” was jointly created by two mega Nigeria’s NGOs, namely FUND-YES Cooperative (a subsidiary social enterprise operated by Youths Off The Street Initiative) and the Multi-Life Savers For The Less Privileged People, respectively headed by Comrade Kennedy Iyere and Reverend Father Ejike Mbaka.

The FOOD4ALL Initiative is the most critical intervention Nigeria needs at this point in time, especially as the country’s hunger situation is now a ticking time bomb and a keg of gunpowder.

If nothing is done to proactively avert a looming mass protest by hungry and angry Nigerians, the outcome of such a revolt by angry citizens will obviously not be pleasant.

This is why Comrade Kennedy Iyere, a frontline humanitarian activist, creator and chief promoter of the FOOD4ALL Initiative, is calling on all influential Nigerians and other concerned global partners , to lend their voices and also give their money, in support of the FOOD4ALL Initiative towards its successful implementation.

FOOD4ALL Initiative was publicly unveiled in Transcorp Hilton Abuja on the 31st May, 2024 by key prominent Nigerians and these include His Royal Highness, Alhaji (Dr) Yahaya Abubakar, CFR (Etsu Nupe), Reverend Father Ejike Mbaka, Prof Maurice Iwu, Senator Emmanuel Ebok-Essien (PANDEF Chairman), Dr Pogu Bitrus (Chairman, Middle Belt Forum), Comrade Kenneth Robinson (PANDEF Organizing Secretary), Dr Tanko Yunusa (NCF Spokesperson), Apostle Lawrence Achudume (VLBC Founder), Prof Charles Nwekeaku.

FOOD4ALL Initiative is also widely endorsed and partnered by several frontline and credible NGOs, youth organizations, women groups, community associations, cooperative societies, traditional institutions, religious bodies and others.

The list include National Council of Traditional Rulers of Nigeria (NCTRN), Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA), Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), National Council For Women Societies (NCWS), Federation of Muslim Women Associations of Nigeria (FOMWAN), Smallholder Women Farmers Organization of Nigeria (SWOFON), as well as other apex bodies for youths, market women, market traders (men and women) and others.

Iyere called on Nigerians both home and abroad to massively partner with the FOOD4ALL Initiative.

He affirmed that the Initiative will be driven and implemented through the “One-Family-One-Farmer Scheme”, which aims to recruit and build a national grassroots agricultural entrepreneurship and agri-food cooperative business network of six million smart farmers, especially youths and young women, in addition to older farmers in rural communities.

Iyere also added that the FOOD4ALL Initiative is designed to grow a national grassroots cooperative business network of six million food entrepreneurs.

Iyere has confirmed that the FOOD4ALL Fundraising Campaign will kick-start on Thursday 11th July, 2024.

It is designed to raise and generate funds globally for the implementation of the One-Family-One-Farmer Scheme and the financing of youths and young women as “Smart Farmers.”

These efforts are targeted towards tackling hunger, high food prices, unemployment, economic hardship and household poverty.

Iyere also said that the Funds raised through the FOOD4ALL Initiative will also help the finance the “FEEFUND”

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