Customs Auctions Seized 55,164 Litres of PMS in Sokoto

Onuminya Innocent in Sokoto

The Sokoto / Zamfara Area Command of the Nigeria Customs Service, (NCS),  yesterday auctioned a total of 55,164  litres of Premium Motor Spirit, (PMS ) popularly known as petrol, seized from  smugglers to the members of the public.

Addressing newsmen, the Controller of the command, Kamal Muhammed, said the exercise was in compliance with the directive from the Comptroller General of Custom, Bashir Adewale, aimed at discouraging smuggling in the country.

“You may wish to recall that sometimes ago,under the directive of the Comptroller General  of Customs, Bashir Adewale, the command auctioned 11.270 liters of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) popularly called petrol that was intercepted by operatives of operation Whirlwind Sokoto/Zamfara axis.

“Due to the intensified clamp down on smugglers of petroleum product, the service made a seizure of 55,164liters of PMS with a duty paid value (DPV) of N38, 669,964.00 within the period under review.

“The breakdown of the seizure is as follows: the intelligence driven tactical team code named operation Whirlwind made a seizure of 28,116 Liters while the Sokoto/Zamfara Area Command patrol teams made a seizure of 23,030 litres.

“Even with the subsidy removal, Nigeria still remains among the list of countries with the cheapest  PMS, which is sold at an average of N701.99k per liter in the country while in Cameroon it is

sold at N2,061.55k, Mali is N2,128.20k and N1,672.05k in the Republic of Benin.

“PMS price margin between Nigeria and other West Africa Countries has made smuggling of the product an easy profit making venture for smugglers as it fetches them two or three times its domestic price.

“The smuggling of the product has continued to create artificial scarcity in some parts of the country and also brought about additional burden on the country’s scarce foreign exchange used to import the product.

“In line with the extant laws and the approval of the Conptroller General of Custom, Bashir Adewale, the seized 55,164 liters of PMS will today be auctioned to the general public at a token of N180.”

“The Service will continue to protect Nigeria’s economic interest with dedication, justice and integrity.”

The Controller, however, on behalf of the CG warned the smugglers to desist from their actions. He said: “Nigeria Customs Service will run you out of your illegitimate business.”

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