Group Faults  Accusations against Justice Olorundahunsi

A civil society organisation, Citizens With Conscience (CWC) has described the recent accusations against Justice Sunday Olorundahunsi by whistleblowers affiliated with Eagle Transparency International (ETI) as baseless, unfounded, and an attempt to tarnish his reputation. The group alleged that “Intelligence at our disposal revealed and confirmed that ETI is to blackmail Justice Olorundahunsi.”

The civil society organisation has condemned the allegations, describing them as a poorly orchestrated hatchet job aimed at discrediting a man known for his integrity and meritorious service.

A statement released by the Publicity Director of CWC, Dr. Abdullah B. Yahaya,   in Abuja, asserted that the accusations are a tool in the hands of mischievous individuals threatened by Justice Olorundahunsi’s impeccable qualifications and potential for higher responsibilities. He noted that ETI’s claims lack integrity and are part of a deliberate smear campaign.

ETI had  accused Justice Olorundahunsi, a judge of the Ondo Judicial Division and former Registrar of the Supreme Court, of owning and operating private companies while in service. 

The group also alleged interference by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) when Justice Olorundahunsi was charged before the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT).

CWC, however, supported the DPP Director, MB Abubakar, and the Attorney-General of the Federation Lateef Fagbemi for taking over the matter and halting the proceedings. The group claimed that these government officials quickly recognised the baseless nature of the allegations and the ulterior motives behind them.

“The AGF did no wrong. Is this different from the good deed he has been doing since his resumption into office by ensuring irrelevant cases are withdrawn just like how he withdrew the treason charges against Sahara Reporters publisher and rights activist, Omoyele Sowore and others? Records have shown that ETI are ethnic jingoistic and blackmailers.

“Justice Olorundahunsi is a paragon of judicial excellence. His tenure at the Supreme Court was marked by distinction and integrity. He served with the utmost dedication, assisting over six Chief Justices in his roles as Deputy Chief Registrar and Chief Registrar. The fact that these allegations are surfacing now, 10 years after he departed from the Supreme Court, is highly suspect and indicative of a political manoeuvre against a man poised for greater responsibilities,” CWC said.

The group added: “Justice Olorundahunsi’s career is a testament to his commitment to justice and the rule of law. Throughout his service, he has upheld the highest standards of judicial conduct, contributing significantly to the judiciary’s credibility and effectiveness.”

CWC argued that his exoneration in previous investigations underscores his integrity and the frivolous nature of the current allegations.

The group said: “President Bola Ahmed Tinubu should not fall for the gimmick of those trying to drag the wheel of progress of his administration backwards.”

The civil society organisation enjoined the public to see through the political machinations aimed at tarnishing Justice Olorundahunsi’s sterling reputation. They urged support for the judicial process and emphasised the need to protect dedicated public servants from unwarranted attacks.

“This is a complex and politically motivated machination against esteemed Justice Olorundahunsi, our findings have revealed that. Were these individuals asleep for the past 10 years since Justice Olorundahunsi left the Supreme Court in 2014? This is a person who, during his time, served over six  Chief Justices as Deputy Chief Registrar and Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court respectively with the utmost sense of excellence and integrity,” CWC declared.

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