Adams Oshiomole: Special Breed in National Assembly

Allison Abanum

A red ball is unmistakable amongst a stack of white balls. Such theory is universally accepted because of its validity. It’s inherent characteristics a major tool for distinction. From one generation to the other, humanity is graced with the presence of personalities worthy of citing analogies parallel to a distinct red ball amidst white ones. People who stand out amongst a vast majority in character, knowledge and competence. Step forward Senator Adams Oshiomole, former President of the Nigeria Labour Congress and former Governor of Edo State.

Worthy of induction into the rare breed of Human rights activist, Oshiomole has indeed paid his dues as an important cog in the mechanics of nation building. Having fought for the common man all his life as an activist, unjustly arrested and harassed by governments for standing for the poor and voiceless, Oshiomole has become a competent force in nation building and national impact.

Of course like that distinct red ball, his profile has placed him actively in the mix of governance for over 25 years with timely breaks spent even more noteworthy on the background scene. Having answered the call to play his part in the development of Edo State in critical moments, Oshiomole cemented his place as a renowned man of the people per excellence. Serving as National Chairman of the All Progressive Congress delivering Stability for the party in all fronts.

It is safe to assume that someone with such an impressive profile will at some point entertain that urge that all impact makers have. A desire to make impact on a greater level and at this point, the Senate is that next platform in view and rightly so.

Obviously well equipped with expertise and experience, he is indeed one personality that fits the billing. Like most well-meaning activist, Oshiomole has taken his time to try and enumerate some of the excellent plans he has for the People of Edo North and Nigeria at every given leverage. Ultimately aiming to transform Nigeria into a national and global developmental beacon through legislation. In a recent interview, Oshiomole highlighted a broad spectrum of his plans and blueprint.

From a neutral stand point, it’s hard not to see the Intelligence, craftsmanship and workability of this blueprint. His offering to Nigerians as summarised in the proceeding paragraph.

“Good governance is essentially the efficient management of resources and accountability for the stewardship over those resources in a people-oriented manner. Development is about the people. So, my essential goal will be to factor the people into every government policy. have done some deep thinking and quite a lot of reading to conceptualise how Nigeria can be developed. I took time to read the development aspirations that drove some of the regions in Nigeria in the 1960s”

A perfect blending of the past with the realities of today is what Nigeria needs moving Forward≥

As a Senator for just a year now, Oshiomole’s passion for members of the Senate to get legislative issues right is well placed and definitely a requisite trait for all members. This has been consistently displayed in his superb opinion on very important issues like when he challenged the trivial voting on an issue as serious as a motion on penning the death penalty for drug trafficking for which the floor had initially echoed the usual “ay” or “nay” chorus for approval or disapproval. He unequivocally made it clear that issues like that should be treated with more personal responsibility, urging a proper vote by the members to ensure everyone is responsible for his or her submissions individually, as the motions moved with potentials to be made laws have a nationwide, albeit futuristic impact and as such should be given the due level of personal diligence by each and every Senator rather than a trivial chorus of customary approval or disproval as the bang of the gavel signals the victors and movement to other issues.

Courageous is but one of the myriad terms that can aptly characterise the enigmatic Oshiomole. He is a stalwart individual unafraid to champion his beliefs and values, particularly when they align with the interests of the broader populace. Oshiomole cannot be silenced easily. This resoluteness has been evident on numerous occasions within the legislative chambers, such as his stance on the phrasing of the new national anthem. Here, he had advocated for the substitution of certain terms with more fitting alternatives to ensure national harmony and identity. For instance, he suggested replacing words like “tribe” with “ethnic” and “native land” with “father land,” amongst others.

His logic and reasoning behind these proposed changes are clear, a clarity that may have eluded some of his colleagues. Regrettably, the legislative process is rigorous, which is why the Senator remains unwavering in his approach. It is likely that we have not heard the final word from him on many pressing issues.

Oshiomhole’s resolute commitment to fiscal prudence is evident in his meticulous examination of budget proposals, as demonstrated by his critique of the Trade Minister’s budget proposal. He has persistently advocated for transparency and accountability in government expenditures, ensuring the efficient and effective utilization of public funds. His unwavering dedication to combatting corruption and inefficiency in public office is reflected in his efforts to uncover and rectify instances of malfeasance. Evidently, the former governor’s endeavors have significantly contributed to the anti-corruption drive in Nigeria, instilling hope for a more transparent and responsible government.

Some of his notable achievements over the past year in the senate include: Championing significant legislative proposals – The Petroleum Industry Governance Bill (PIGB); the National Institute for Labour Studies Bill; the Nigerian Labour Force Migration Policy Bill; Exemplary supervisory work – exposed the illicit fuel subsidy scheme of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC); revealed the unauthorised expenditures of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN); Advocacy for labor rights -Advocated for the enactment of the National Minimum Wage Act; supported the approval of the Pension Reform Act etc.

Through his philanthropic endeavors, Oshiomhole has positively impacted the lives of numerous Nigerians, particularly commuters on federal roads in Edo State and beyond. His commitment to enhancing the well-being of his constituents and the nation as a whole has garnered widespread admiration and esteem.

Throughout his political trajectory, Oshiomhole has consistently confronted national dilemmas, further establishing his legacy as a proponent of truth and justice. His remarkable performance in the Senate has cemented his role as a catalyst for constructive change in Nigeria, fostering optimism for a brighter future for the country

As Oshiomole continues to serve, his steadfast vision for Nigeria is evident: a country defined by fair and inclusive progress, thriving economic advancement, and the promotion of social equality. His recent recognition as the “Senator of the Year” especially as it encompasses the year under review, not only honors his previous accomplishments but also establishes a lofty standard for his future undertakings. Oshiomole’s unwavering devotion to public service and his resolute dedication to the enhancement of Nigeria guarantee that he will continue to play a crucial role in the nation’s political sphere for the foreseeable future.

As a vocal representative, he ensures that the concerns of his constituents are represented on a national scale. His endeavors to tackle issues such as unemployment, education, and healthcare in his district have garnered widespread praise. Furthermore, his hands-on approach to resolving local concerns, often involving direct engagement with community members, distinguishes him as a senator deeply connected to and passionate about the people he serves.

One of Oshiomole’s notable attributes is his adeptness at promoting bipartisan cooperation. In a political environment frequently characterized by polarization, he has effectively constructed connections spanning party boundaries, thereby facilitating the enactment of pivotal legislation advantageous to the country. His diplomatic acumen and all-encompassing methodology have earned admiration from peers spanning the political spectrum, thereby bolstering his stature as a unifying presence in the Senate and indeed Nigerian politics.

Prominent among a plethora of legislative triumphs is the advocacy and backing of bills aimed at enhancing local industries and fostering job opportunities for Nigerian youths. He has also consistently lent his esteemed voice and insights on the optimal strategies to address the lingering farmers-herders’ crisis plaguing numerous states in the nation, a conundrum that has proven to be quite challenging and contributes to the escalating threat of insecurity in specific regions.

In a speech characterised by its enigmatic nature on the Senate floor, he emphasised the necessity of convening a summit involving all relevant stakeholders, with the Senate assuming a coordinating role to ascertain the most effective measures to resolve the issue.

He further stated that the outcomes of such a summit would assist the pertinent Senate committees, agencies, and government entities in taking decisive actions, whether legislative or executive, to conclusively deliver sustainable resolutions to discussions on animal husbandry and its associated elements.

As his voice continues to echo in just representation of the affairs of the common man, Nigerians have taken notice as scattered all over video hosting platforms are evidence of sessions where he has shown fierce vocal force as a chief protagonist for the betterment of the lives of ordinary citizens. Whether he is speaking up for the need to improve our educational sector, proposing poverty alleviation schemes or vehemently scrutinising the affairs of various government machineries, one can feel the vibrations of a passionate voice who is clearly not a placeholder fattening up on the benefits of being a lawmaker like has been the case of many Senators in the house.

His passion to contribute to the welfare of not just his constituents but Nigerians as a whole is second to none and he made it clear when he said, “poverty anywhere is a threat anywhere” referencing a global consensus made as far back as 1919.

Allison Abanum writes from Yenagoa, Bayelsa State.

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