An Artist’s Vision in Paintings Parading the Nation’s Potentials

Yinka Olatunbosun

Mitchelle Innocent James, a full-time studio artist knows the huge potential that his nation Nigeria and Africa has- human and mineral assets. Beyond having that knowledge, he has taken it upon himself to tell the story of the abundance of natural resources and youth potentials in a group exhibition currently showing at Thought Pyramid, Benin City, Edo State.

The artist who majors in painting boasts of works that are centered around conversations on the maximization and the manifestation of the natural and human potentials in the African continent.

“The conversations go around African wealth, purpose and potential,” he began during an interview session. “This is my first exhibition in Benin City. It’s very fascinating to me and it’s my first time. It’s my maternal root. My mom is from Sabongidda Ora, Owan West Edo State.”

Titled “Undiscovered Benin 1.0,” the show is an opportunity for the artist to express his vision alongside 13 other artists.

“These are artists not very much in the limelight but are emerging in the art space,” he continued. “I am a few professional years into the industry. For us, it is a discovery of talents and mostly for artists with roots in Benin. The conversations of my artwork connect with the theme. A lot of artists behind the bronze heads and other prominent sculptures that Benin is known for are not documented.

“I have started the conversation that it is possible to have a society of prosperity showcasing and maximizing young people’s natural gifts through the proper management of its natural potentials.”

Most of the works are part of his ongoing project and research series.

“There are all in series with one titled “The Fecundity of the State”, and the second series titled; “Entitled Inheritance.” The subject matter hangs on Nigeria and in extension, Africa’s wealth and how much they are natural inheritance to the young people by virtue of biological background. He believes that the young and vibrant African youths should not relent in protecting their inheritance for the prosperity of their nations and continent.

“The conversation is every young vibrant person born in Nigeria and by extension Africa and any nation endowed with natural resources, are by nature entitled to the mineral abundance their nation is endowed with,” he further stated.

“But in reality, that’s not the case in Nigeria or Africa. There seems to be a disconnect between the wealth that is coming forth from the nation and how much it is affecting the potential of the young people. The project involved me making art subjects of different youths at various events showcasing their skills and the product of their talents.”

The artist argued further that the abundance in one’s society should be enough to influence young people positively and economically. He continued: “The youth should be inspired through this recent project in what is possible for their society.”

“In my works you will see an elaborate reveal of the minerals in vibrant colours and dramatic backgrounds, the gold, the oil barrels, representing mineral wealth. The younger generation is the future of the nation. I am showing five works in total including “Message to the East”, “Treasures from the West”, and “Merry Gold Round.”

The show which kicked off on Saturday July 13th 2024 runs till July 31st 2024.

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