LG Autonomy: CITN Tasks Local Officials on Lawful Tax Collection

Omolabake Fasogbon

The Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (CITN) has emphasised the need for lawful and transparent collection of taxes and levies at the Local Government (LG) level for effective governance and grassroots development. 

The Institute noted that this became more crucial following the Supreme Court judgement that recently affirmed the financial independence of LGs in Nigeria. 

Commending the verdict, CITN’s Ag. Registrar/Chief Executive, Afolake Oso, said it underscored present administration’s commitment at empowering all tiers of government to perform their statutory roles and responsibilities, as enshrined in the constitution. 

She noted however that with the judgment, it behooves on the LG administrators to rejig tax collection system at the grassroots by ensuring that the rule of law prevails at every process. 

According to her, there must be total clampdown against unwholesome and uncivilised practice of touting and using non-state actors in revenue collection at the local level. 

“Although this practice aimed at augmenting poor revenues, it leaves the system very inactive. As an institute, we implore chairmen of local governments to commit themselves to ensuring civil approaches in collection of taxes and levies within the confines of the laws of the land and to allow proper functioning of the Local Government Revenue Committee,” she submitted. 

Oso, averred that the verdict, along with appropriate reforms would enhance economic activities and spur employment generation, reduce rural-urban migration as well as criminality at sub and national levels.

She stated however that the effectiveness of the judgment lied on judicious use of resources by local administrators, stressing prudence, accountability and transparency. 

“We also request the cooperation of LG chairmen and officials in the implementation of the yet-to-be-released tax reforms being proposed by the Presidential Committee on Tax and Fiscal Policy Reforms headed by Taiwo Oyedele. These have great promises for all the tiers of Government,” she said.

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