Again, Aisha Achimugu Shines Like a Diamond

Not too many businesswomen and chief executives have her kind of guts. She does not cringe, even in the face of difficulty. For Aisha Achimugu, this unique attribute was the impetus that made her go into business at a time when not many gave her any chance of survival.

Unlike many other women, she enjoys running neck and neck with men for as long as the race is for a noble cause. And she has successfully engraved her name in the hearts of the people.

For many years now, Achimugu has been busy cutting deals beyond the shores of the continent of Africa, while also proving that good things can also come out from this side of the world.  

Her path to success includes a series of ventures that have significantly contributed to the region’s business growth. And the strings of industry awards that litter her ornate office serve as a testament to her success in the sector.

For instance, the Group Chief Executive Officer of Felak Concept Group emerged as the winner of Champion Newspapers’ 2023 Heart of Gold Award in recognition of her extraordinary philanthropy targeted at less privileged members of Nigerian society.

Again, Achimugu shone like a diamond recently when she stepped out onto the podium to receive an award at the 2024 African Achievers Awards in the House of Parliament, UK.  Achimugu emerged as the African Female Business Leader of the Year for her contributions to the business sector, not only in Nigeria but also in the African continent.

Of course, the award is not surprising to many who are aware of the records of this astute business mogul who has succeeded in all her endeavours in the past.

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