Governor Bago … Please Calm Down

“Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it.” These are golden words from William Pitt the Elder. He seems to have struck a chord with the narrative going around about Niger State governor, Mohammed Bago.

Recently, Bago was seen in a video directing his security personnel to assault a man who volunteered to offer a prayer during an event. This incident has sparked concerns about the governor’s temper and his approach to leadership. Once celebrated for his impactful initiatives, Governor Bago now seems preoccupied with showcasing his authority.

The governor’s outburst at the memorial event isn’t an isolated incident. In September 2023, Governor Bago threatened young protesters and their families over plans to oppose the location of the IBBU Teaching Hospital. What about another troubling episode in which Governor Bago allegedly berated a resident who interrupted his speech during a public meeting, calling the man derogatory names and threatening arrest?

What about his display of wealth and populism in April 2024, when Governor Bago was caught on camera throwing money to his supporters from a moving vehicle. As some people have pointed out, such actions are reminiscent of leaders like Nigeria’s Sani Abacha and Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe, who also resorted to displays of power and wealth, leading to their eventual downfall.

Governor Bago’s attempts to appear as a relatable “man of the people” are evident in his casual dress and informal behaviour during official functions. However, this should not come at the cost of proper conduct and respect for the office he holds. True leadership requires balance and the ability to maintain decorum while being approachable.

The public reaction to the governor’s recent actions has been largely negative. Civil society groups, political opponents, and religious leaders have all condemned his behaviour, emphasising the need for respect and dignity in governance. Governor Bago should take these criticisms seriously and reassess his approach.

For the sake of his constituents and his legacy, Governor Bago must learn to manage his temper and focus on genuine leadership. Effective governance requires patience, respect for others, and a commitment to serving the public with integrity. By adopting a more measured and respectful approach, Governor Bago can restore trust and set a positive example for future leaders.

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