Verydarkman, Blord Engage in Public Dispute

Agnes Ekebuike

A public feud has erupted between two prominent Nigerian internet personalities, Verydarkman and Blord, who have captivated their fans and sparked a wider conversation about the influence and responsibility of online figures.

Verydarkman, a content creator known for his humorous commentary and skits on social issues, has found fault with Blord’s luxurious lifestyle and entrepreneurial ventures. Blord, on the other hand, is a successful entrepreneur and motivational figure, who has defended his lifestyle and intentions.

The dispute has increased rapidly with both parties sharing their perspectives and counterarguments publicly. Verydarkman argued that Blord’s portrayal of wealth and success was misleading, thus creating unrealistic expectations and promoting a mindset that overlooks the hard work and struggles behind such success. He urged his followers to critically evaluate the content they consume.

Blord, who did not take this lightly, has defended his luxurious lifestyle in a series of Instagram stories saying it’s a result of hard work and dedication as he highlighted his philanthropic efforts and the positive impact he believes he has on his audience. He has also hinted at potential legal action against Verydarkman for defamation, further intensifying the feud.

The dispute has raised questions about the role and responsibility of influencers in shaping public perception. While some support Verydarkman’s call for authenticity, others defended Blord’s right to share his success story. The outcome of this feud remains to be seen, but it has already sparked a significant conversation about the influence and accountability of online personalities.

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