Wahab: Youths Are Playing Major Role in Promoting Sustainable Climate in Lagos

Lagos Commissioner for the Environment and Water Resources, Tokunbo Wahab,  recently  spoke to journalists on moves  to take meaningful action on climate change through education, advocacy and community engagement.  Ayodeji  Ake presents the excerpts:

How does the ‘Lagos Youth Climate Campaign’ aim to empower youths to become advocates for climate action, and what role do you see them playing in driving positive change?
The Lagos Youth Climate Campaign  is committed to empowering the youths in Lagos to take meaningful action on climate change through education, advocacy and community engagement. As youths represent a substantial portion of the national population, with the majority based in our dear state Lagos, and are also affected by the consequences of climate change, their involvement is crucial for driving meaningful action.  By empowering youths to become advocates for climate action, we will not only amplify their voices but also foster a sense of responsibility and ownership in tackling environmental challenges. Also, youths bring fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and boundless energy to the table, especially the Gen Z and Millennia’s who are very conversant with the use of the digital space to amplify the campaign, which can inspire new approaches and solutions to address climate change effectively. Overall, the Lagos Youth Climate Campaign will play a vial role in nurturing the next generation of climate leaders and mobilizing collective action towards a more sustainable future.

Can you walk us through the overarching goals of the ‘Lagos Youth Climate Campaign’ and how it aims to engage and educate young people about climate change?
The goal of the Lagos Youth Climate Campaign aims to mainstream environmental consciousness into the minds and behavioural patterns of the youth through a three-pronged strategy of Education, Enlightenment and Empowerment.
The first move, we did was to unveil a Climate Ambassador in person of Maryam Apaokagi popularly known as “Taaooma.” She will be producing a skit to educate the populace on the dangers of improper waste management, air pollution amongst others as they relate to global warming. This would be followed by digital campaign and use of the social media space to amplify the climate campaign and ends with a talent show tagged “Lagos Has Talents.”

How do you plan to leverage social media platforms to effectively communicate the causes and impacts of climate change to the youth demographic?
The social media is a veritable platform, especially amongst the young generation. We will be leveraging on their affinity for digital conversation tools educate, create enlightenment and sense of belonging as part of solution provider to the climate change challenge. And we plan to do this through the use of skit, X (formerly twitter) space conversations, graphics, video contents and music.

Can you elaborate on the collaborative efforts between Lagos State Government and C40 Cities to implement climate action plans? How does this partnership support the city’s sustainability goals?
It is imperative to state that the President, His Excellency Asiwaju Bold Ahmed Tinubu,  who was the Governor of Lagos State then, signed Lagos State to join the C40 Cities in 2003. The relationship between C40 Cities and Lagos has been instrumental to the development of the Lagos State Action Plan (CAP) and so many technical supports to implement actions identified in the CAP. of which this youth campaign is one of them. As well as capacity development of staff members.

How does the Lagos State Government plan to ensure that the ‘Lagos Youth Climate Campaign’ reaches a wide audience and leaves a lasting impact on youth engagement with climate issues?
The Lagos State Government has an ambitious plan to ensure that the campaign  reaches as many young people as possible and truly makes a difference in how they engage with climate issues.
First of all, we are teaming  up with forward-thinking businesses that are already championing green initiatives. By partnering with them. We are not only expanding the campaign’s reach but also tapping into their expertise and resources to make a bigger impact. We are also going to tap into the power of youth influencers. We know that young people often look up to their peers, so we are getting influential young leaders on board to spread the word about climate action and inspire others to get involved. And when it comes to geography, we are not leaving anyone out. We are taking the campaign to every corner of Lagos State, making sure that young people from all backgrounds and areas have the opportunity to get involved and make a difference in their communities.  Also, we are super excited about the C40 Youth Forum that kicked off earlier this year. It is all about giving young people the chance to come up with their own creative projects to tackle climate change. And the best part is? These projects aren’t just local, they are part of a global movement, with young climate advocates from all over the world collaborating and sharing ideas. So, whether it is through partnerships, youth influencers, grassroots engagement, or global initiatives, we are pulling out all the stops to ensure that the Lagos Youth Climate Campaign leaves a lasting impact on young people and their engagement with climate issues

Looking ahead, what are some upcoming initiatives or projects that Lagos State Government and C40 Cities are working on together to combat climate change and promote sustainability?
We are excited to unveil our mainstreaming document and greenhouse gas emission inventory for 2023. Lagos State will also play host to about 15 African countries in the month of August on African Cities for Clean Air. C40 Cities is our long-time partner, and we intend to continue the partnership in the years to come.

Finally, how do you envision the long-term effects of the campaign on the attitudes and behaviours of Lagos youths towards climate change and environmental sustainability?
The long-term effects of the Lagos Youth Climate Campaign on the attitudes and behaviours of Lagos youths towards climate change and environmental sustainability are promising. Through our efforts in education, advocacy, and community engagement, we aim to instil a deep sense of awareness and responsibility among youths regarding climate and environmental issues. As they become more informed about the impacts of climate change and the importance of sustainable practices, we expect an attitude towards proactive action. Also, with increased awareness and understanding,  we foresee Lagos youths adopting more sustainable lifestyle choices, such as reducing energy consumption, adopting eco-friendly transportation options, and participating in local environmental initiatives.

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