Report: GenAI Makes Project Managers Productive, Creative

A new report from Project Management Institute (PMI), the world’s leading authority for project professionals, explores how high adopters of GenAI (or trailblazers) are leading the charge in embracing GenAI, unlocking performance enhancements, advancing GenAI adoption, and sharing their learnings to propel business transformation.

The report tagged: ‘First Movers’ Advantage: The Immediate Benefits of Adopting Generative AI for Project Management’, surveyed 500 project professionals from around the globe, all using GenAI in their project work.

According t o the report, organisations that encourage GenAI adoption see an increased use of GenAI among project professionals, setting the stage for transformative and positive outcomes, including: Trailblazers are more productive (93 per cent of trailblazers versus 58 per cent of low adopters or ‘explorers’), elevating their problem-solving (89 per cent vs. 46 per cent), and more effective (88 per cent vs. 50 [er cent) by using GenAI.

Analysing the report, President and Chief Executive Officer of PMI, Pierre Le Manh, said: “Our research shows that GenAI trailblazers know how to maximise adoption to elevate their performance, navigate complex work, and usher in GenAI across their teams. They’re standing out from their peers for their innovative leadership. We want to ensure project professionals who haven’t yet added this technology to their toolbox can quickly get up to speed and benefit from GenAI given its exponential growth.”

According to Le Manh, “GenAI is transforming every industry, which will create more opportunities for project professionals because they will help organisations implement this disruptive technology.”

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