Climate change: FG Backs NIgeria on Moves to Raise $37bn through Culture, Creative Industries

Adedayo Akinwale in Abuja

The federal government has thrown its weight behind the move by the Art2green Nigeria to unlock $37 billion for Climate Finance through arts, culture and creative commodities marketplace.
The Minister of Art, Culture and the Creative Economy of Nigeria, Hannatu Musawa, who met officials of Art2green Nigeria in Abuja ahead of the launch of the initiative noted that the Eco-finance venture would redefine the pan-African culture and creative economy impact investment landscape.
The minister further noted that the initiative would leverage art and cultural diversity dividends for sustainable development in the country.
The Group Managing Partner and Sustainable Finance Expert of the Art2Green Nigeria Marketplace Initiative, Mr. Victor Agih in a statement issued Friday explained that the decision to mobilise $37 billion was to mainstream, manage, market and monetise the cultural arts and creative commodities of over 370 Nigerian tribes to activate the biggest, greenest ecosystem conservation fund in the world.

He added that Nigeria’s rich cultural heritage represents an untapped economic engine that could drive sustainable development across the country.
Agih stressed: “The Art2Green Nigeria Initiative is positioned to unlock this potential by connecting Nigerian artisans and creatives with market-driven opportunities for sustainable development and empowerment, while funding critical environmental initiatives.”
“Art2Green Nigeria represents a paradigm shift in how we finance sustainable development. By tapping into Nigeria’s vibrant creative economy, we can drive progress on our environmental goals while creating jobs and economic opportunity for millions of Nigerians.

“The launch of the Art2Green Nigeria Initiative is the start of a cultural renaissance that will unleash the economic power of Nigeria’s heritage.

“Art2Green Nigeria takes the lead to innovate climate finance by mobilizing 370,000 ‘artpreneurs’ across 370 ethnicities to create and curate 370,000 Art2Green marketplace commodities to generate over $37 billion in green impact investment to support sustainability projects that will contribute to net zero emissions across Nigerian communities.”
Agih pointed out that the $37 billion Eco-finance mobilised through Art2Green Marketplace would support a suite of high-impact sustainability projects across Nigeria, including: Planting 3.7 billion economic trees for the ecosystem conservation, protection and restoration.
Other benefits derivable from the initiative entail the creation of 3.7 million “Eco-Marshall” green jobs, establishing 37 million health e-surance wallets, funding 370,000 green entrepreneurship grants and distribution of 37 million eco-friendly stoves.
Agih said it also included recruiting 37 million eco-citizen volunteers, providing 37 million eco-education/climate leadership scholarships, establishing 3,700 Art2Green Nigeria community hubs, racilitating $370m Culture Heritage Arts and Sustainable Tourism Fund, capitalizing a $3.7 billion Crea82Green Nigeria Fund and Seeding a $3.7 billion Greenmanitarian Fund.

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