“Great Kminor’s “Ebe”: A Tranquil Offering with Artistic Nuances

Yinka Olatunbosun

Okundare Ayokunle Moses, with the distinct moniker of Great Kminor, expressed technical precision and a complex flare of dexterity in his latest release, “Ebe,” – a trenchant and captivating composition. Clocking in at just under two minutes, this acoustic gem showcases the artist’s prowess on the guitar while delivering a heartfelt message.

“Ebe” opens with splintered chords, a technique where individual chord notes cascade like raindrops. Great Kminor’s choice of the Yoruba language adds authenticity and cultural profundity to the song. His sincere vocals evoke a sense of vulnerability—a plea for divine protection and blessings. The spry guitar riffs were as mellow as the stellar picks of Chief Ebenezer Obey in his classic tracks and solemn display of craftsmanship.

The song’s beauty lies in its simplicity. Sparse instrumentation—mainly the guitar—allows the lyrics to breathe. Great Kminor’s voice, accompanied by subtle harmonies, knits postures of supplications. Supplications are a part of the Christian walk in faith; the everyday rituals of a believer are rooted in gratitude, devotion, thanksgiving & supplications in place of anxiety as the scripture supposed. Okundare brought this to bear in this sparkling release. More so, the English subtitles cater to a wider audience, bridging language barriers.

Yet, there’s a delicate balance to strike. At times, the enthusiasm of the rhythm section overshadows the guitarist’s intricate solos; swallowing up the hammer-ons, and other improvisations and the mix occasionally subsumes the brilliance of those fleeting moments when the strings come alive. Nevertheless, Great Kminor, prior to the release of this auspicious track, has collaborated with quite a number of gospel musicians in the Nigerian music industry and across genres both at home and in the abroad. He is a well sought after guitarist who is always excited to lend his genius to the noble cause of other creatives.

Listening to ‘Ebe’, I picture a sailor aboard a small boat, surrounded by vast, stormy waters. The waves rise, threatening to submerge the vessel.

Yet, the sailor’s eyes remain fixed on the horizon. He steps out in faith, trusting that God’s guidance will lead him to safety. The deep waters represent life’s uncertainties—the moments when our feet may fail. But the sailor clings to God’s presence, calling upon His name. The chorus reminds us to keep our focus above the waves, emphasizing trust in God’s sovereignty and obedience, like stepping onto those waters, requires unwavering faith and reliance on the One who calls us. His phrasings and bends in the tract are immaculately articulate and would give anyone a run for their listening time. In retrospection, his live performances have always been electrifying, but “Ebe” reveals a different facet—an intimate connection with his craft. Perhaps this track is a glimpse into an incipient debut album. For now, let’s savor the simplicity, the prayerful tones, and the promise of more to come. In “Ebe” Great Kminor’s ebullient artistry is captured in a tranquil musical offering. Great Kminor is definitely making his mark in the music industry by creating resonance and live changing the aperture of approaches to music with his string instrument.

Great Kminor have been able to affect the psychospiritual disposition of people with his string instrument, and like David, brining succor to King David in the dark hours of Saul when he is troubled, Great Kminor have also returned souls to their rest with his strum on this marvelous instrument he dearly cradles to impact nations around the globe.

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