Ajunwa: Proposed Ibom Towers in Lagos, Three-Storey Hotel in Abuja Economically Viable

Chief Executive Officer of Sandseas Marine Services Limited, Raphael Ajunwa, in this interview supports the proposed 18-storey Ibom Towers in Lagos and the three-storey hotel in Abuja being constructed by Governor Umo Eno of Akwa Ibom. He accuses those kicking against the projects of distorting facts, insisting the projects were well-thought out and are economically viable.  Agnes Ekebuike presents the excerpts:

 Governor Umo Eno of Akwa Ibom State has come under criticisms recently after announcing the government’s plan to construct an 18-storey Ibom Towers in Lagos, and convert the current state Liaison office in Abuja Central Business District into a three-star hotel, to generate income to the state’s coffers. What is your take on this development?

Well, we all know that Pastor Umo Eno, is coming from a business background, and he was a successful entrepreneur before becoming the governor of Akwa Ibom State. I’m convinced that the governor, a revered leader with strong Christian principles didn’t just stumbled on the idea to construct the Ibom Towers in Lagos and three-star hotel in Abuja overnight. I believe strongly that he must have taken time to think through it and weighed the benefits before going public with the proposal. Those questioning the rationale of the projects though they have the constitutional rights to do, with all due respect, are criticising blindly having failed to provide any viable alternative.  It’s on record, that the proposed sites for the Ibom Towers on Aboyade Cole Street, Lagos, and the state’s Liaison office in Abuja Central Business District, have all been lying fallow for years without adding any value. Those saying the Akwa Ibom State Government should have channelled such funds to provide food for the people are being economical with the truth given the realities on ground. Instead of commending the decision to invest and grow the state’s revenue, they are busying kicking against an idea whose time has come, all in the name of politics. For crying out loud, what is Governor Umo Eno’s sin if I may ask? The proposed Ibom Towers and three-storey hotel in Lagos and Abuja respectively, after all, are not new. The Governor had captured this in his first anniversary address. I remember him saying, ‘We will undertake the construction of Ibom Towers, an 18-Storey commercial property on Aboyade Cole, Victoria Island, Lagos. This will serve as an income-earner for the state, in the nation’s commercial capital. We will also build a medium-density housing estate in Ewet Housing and sell the homes to high-income earners. A three-star hotel will also be built in Abuja where our current Liaison office is located.’

The governor should be commended for not reneging on his promise, not being attacked from left, right and centre by some disgruntled elements who never meant well for Akwa Ibom State. Governor Umo Eno since assuming office on May 29, 2023, has shown exemplary leadership. He shouldn’t be distracted by any disguise. As businessman, after listening to analysts that analysed Governor Umo Eno’s ARISE Agenda, I beg his critics to leave him alone because he has demonstrated that he meant well for the state. He shouldn’t be distracted by anyone at this time.

I strongly believe that the proposed 18-storey Ibom Towers and three-storey hotel will not only generate revenue for Akwa Ibom State Government, they will create jobs for citizens of the state, stimulate economic growth in the state, contribute to the development of the real estate sector in Lagos and Abuja, guaranteed return on investment, reduce dependence on a single revenue stream and increase property value and attract potential investors. Governor Umo Eno in one of his official functions recently, stated without any ambiguity that the investment plans of the state government wouldn’t stop other development projects across the state.

What is your assessment of the ARISE Agenda?

Since he assumed office, Governor Umo Eno has hit the ground running, rigorously implementing the ARISE Agenda.  He has virtually touched on all sectors of the state – education, health, agriculture, economy, social and humanitarian, security, housing, and others.  Records show that every month he ensures that the elderly receive N50,000 for their upkeep. Through the Bulk Purchase Agency and the free food voucher programme, over 100,000 families have been touched. AKWACARES, a programme that takes care of the neediest and those on the Social Register have impacted  the lives of thousands of families in the state. So far, over N20 billion has been paid as gratuities for retirees in the state civil service, primary school teachers and retired local government workers. The governor had augmented that to the tune of N5 billion billion, the palliatives earlier rolled out by the federal government in the wake of the removal of the fuel subsidy. He has released N2 billion interest-free loans to traders to expand their businesses and N500,000 each given to 800 trainees of the Entrepreneurship Accelerator Programme (EAP) scheme run by IBOM-LED. Free medical outreach programmes have been conducted across the state where surgeries and other medical needs were undertaken free of charge to the patients, most of them, the most vulnerable. Governor Umo Eno has undertaken the construction of Arise Humanitarian Homes – a 2-bedroom housing scheme built, furnished and donated to the most vulnerable in each of the 369 wards in the state.

This gesture has been celebrated all over the nation. Having publicly acknowledged receipt of 24,000 bags of 25kg rice sent in by the federal government to cushion the effect of the high cost of staple food items in the country, he doubled the donation by the federal government witth 24,000 additional bags bringing the total quantity to be distributed to 48 thousand. Each of the gazetted 2,272 villages will receive 20 bags each. We also heard that the wants to buy staple food items and store them in two 40-foot containers, to be distributed later to voucher holders from August this year. Even the aviation sector is not left out. Governor Umo Eno recently visited the Samco Aviation Maintenance Facility in Maastricht, Netherlands, to inspect the new Airbus A220-300 series aircraft acquired by Ibom Air.

The governor who was accompanied by key officials, including the Chief Whip of the House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Chief Effiong Johnson, Secretary to the State Government, Prince Enobong Uwah, Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Uko Udom SAN, members of the State Executive Council, and representatives from IbomAir and the Akwa Ibom Business Forum, discussed the delivery timelines for the remaining aircraft ordered by IbomAir during the 2021 Dubai Airshow. This is highly commendable of a governor who believes in continuity.

In the area of politics, I love the way Governor Umo Eno deployed his pastoral skills, reaching out to all political leaders of the state, preaching peace and unity. Today, the governor’s approach has reduced tension and brought stability into the polity. Having shown commitment to take Akwa Ibom to greater heights, the governor needs the support of everybody for him to do more.

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