OKELLO OCULI contends Biden is leaving behind a swamp full of tropical crocodiles for Kamala Harris to cross

Ms. Pat BROWN, Daughter of Governor Brown of California, took me on a ‘’Date’’, to an American version of ‘’FOOTBALL’’. I immediately suffered cultural shock by a spectacle of emancipation from British colonial culture.

 American ‘’football’’ is played with hands. Only one player in a team kicks a cylindrical ball  to start off the game; and to earn three points if earning six points by crossing the score line is unlikely.

A Stanford University’s team was playing against a visiting team that is a regular winner. Unredeemed from the colonial version of the  game, I raised a bag of denunciations in my throat. Rhino-sized players vented smoke of rage, charged forward. Their helmets clang; some suffering  permanent head injuries.

Brief ‘’scrimmages’’ are repetitive. A sacred figure known as a ‘’QUATEBACK’’ holds the ball and scampers backward, his eyes scanning the field. His receivers rapidly weave forward expecting a ball to fly for a catch. The opposition rushed to either grab the ball from him or intercept his spinning gem. Wingers catch a flying ball with extraordinary dexterity. Unlucky catchers get a spinal cord shattered if hit as they made a catch.

As a  81-years old Biden as a QUARTERBACK saw a surging offensive,

he turned to solitude and directed a throw to Kamala Harris as she run past TRUMP towards the touchline. He was a QUARTERBACK in a ‘political football-Americana’.

Biden’s record on Africa has been less destructive than Barack Obama’s hurricane against Libya. Obama supervised the assassination of Gaddafi which also opened gates of his arsenal of guns to Al Qaeda who have spilled a swamp of blood stretching from Mali to Nigeria and Cameroun.

Biden failed to pressure France to terminate decades of French robbery of 500 billion dollars of revenues annually from 14 former French colonies.  He hid behind COVID-19 virus to harm the tourist economies of South Africa, Botswana and other Southern African countries. The virus had come from Europe.

South Africa was severely desecrated by decades of Israel, Argentina and military dictators in Brazil training brutal techniques of torture to security operatives of APARTHEID oppression against the African National Congress (ANC).  Nelson Mandela condemned land grabbing by Zionists and South Africa’s Boers.   Cyril Ramaphosa regarded Israel’s massive retaliation against Gaza as genocide.  Silence by Biden and other European governments over Gaza also recalled the long period of their collusion with Boer oppressors from 1948 to 1994.

South Africa has not only joined China, India, Brazil and Russia in forming BRICKS to challenge American domination of global economy by forcing all countries to buy and sell goods with American dollars. South Africa also got Egypt and Ethiopia into BRICS, while China’s diplomacy brought Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirate into the club.

 Biden became the Cowboy and Robin Hood riding on bombs to save Ukraine from claws of Russia, having helped a coup against a democratically elected Ukraine’s leader. With videos showing Putin walking through bushes with Zimbabwe’s fighters for freedom, Senegal’s President Macky Sall (as Chairman of the African Union), could NOT accept joining NATO’S war against Russia. He leaves a swamp full of tropical crocodiles for Kamala Harris to cross. Kamala herself came on a trip across Africa: jumping from Ghana to Zambia. When Obama made his first presidential Safari to Africa, he arrived in Ghana to spread the doctrine that Africa does not need strong individuals but strong institutions.

It is not clear if he told Ghana’s Parliament that he was announcing a death sentence on Muamar Gaddafi. There was talk that Kamala was teaching Zambians about the human rights of homosexuals and lesbians. Perhaps she meant to warn them about impending drought as nature’s rain celibacy that would ruin their maize crops.

KAMALA should prioritise DEBT as new European SLAVERY against Africa; with money and not human bodies flowing out of Africa. It is wrecking Africa’s development. Walter Rodney, a fellow child of the Caribbean, condemns European EXPLOITATION diplomacy.

Trump is exploiting poverty in America. In 1972 Professor Ira Sharkansky warned of a conspiracy to hide the rude reality of people using pit latrines; children dying of malnutrition; high illiteracy; one telephone for a whole community, and a feeling of contempt by northerners. She can save Americans from poverty-fanned hatred.

Chna has just announced that it will build and deepen internal market by ‘’modernizing’’ lives of her people. Kamala is inheriting cries in Iraq;  Afghanistan; El Salvador; Haiti; Peru; and Yemen – cries from footsteps of American troops and exploiters. CHINA is today the voice of HOPE for them. Between Trump and China America must learn from CHINA. Americans living on streets of San Francisco need economic HOPE to save them, and not hugs by Trump as Warrior-Emperor anointed by ‘’Project 2025’’.

Prof Oculi writes from Abuja

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